Webstorm doesn't save changes on disk
When I make changes in file and save it with webshtorm, these changes doesn't appear in file on disk. I tried invalidate cache, restart webshorm, restart system. Nothing helps.
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Does it happen with one certain file, or with all files? Please recreate the issue and provide the generated idea.log (https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241085-Locating-IDE-log-files). Note: don't paste it here, upload it on some file server and provide a link
After working in other IDE and editing this file, it seems like it works now. Here is log anyway.
And yes, it happen with one certain file.
log doesn't show up any issues - most probably, the problem had fixed itself before the log was created.
The file must have been locked by some other application, or it was a permissions issue that was fixed by re-saving a file in the other editor