Sorry Jetbrains.. the love affair is over.
After many years of faithful service... the love affair with you is over.
I have enjoyed our time together.. Miss Webstorm.. but recently you've let me down with your bad behaviour ( > 600% CPU usage and slowness).
So I'm doing the best thing for both of us.
Don't feel sad.. as I have found another (Visual Studio Code). Although she might not be as sexy as you.. she really is a speed demon under the hood.
Perhaps we'll meet again in the future...
But for now its Au revoir.
PS: And yes...My Company has cancelled the subscription
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you don't expect the answer/assistance, do you?
6 months on you still haven't fixed the original issue.
OMG. I didn't realise how BAD the high CPU usage is.
152 open defects.
>6 months on you still haven't fixed the original issue.
And what is it? Do you have a youtrack ticket for it? High CPU usage may be caused by dozens of different reasons
>152 open defects,%20Submitted%20 - 47 open tickets
When we get issues reported about CPU usage, we do our best to try and address these, but in order to do so, we need specific details (such as CPU snapshots, etc.) unless it’s something we’re aware of and can reproduce. As a developer yourself, I’m sure you understand this.
While we understand your frustration, which we assume somehow influenced the contents of the message you sent us, our colleague’s reaction was unwarranted, and we do apologise for this.
For us, it’s always a shame to have one of our users no longer satisfied with our product and rest assured that we’ll do our best to continue to resolve issues. And hopefully one day you’ll consider using our products again.
Thank you.
Hi @Dennis
Specific details regarding the CPU, PC specs, testing of various releases ( etc has already been undertaken (some 9 months ago).... but alas no resolve.
The purpose of my original subject/comment/post ... was a lighthearted approach to let you down easily. I could have more easily said that your software s$&@&(__'s.... But that would not be nice.
Honestly, you had great software ...but whatever you did in the last major release... just broke it. And its not just me... the last time i looked there were over 150 tickets related to the same/similar issue. I can appreciate that you are "working on it"... but honestly .... it taken too long and your customers are feeling the pain.
" ...our colleague’s reaction was unwarranted, and we do apologise for this."..... Thank you. (This is not the only post in which comments from support have been rather brash/abrasive. I could go on more about this but hey... life is too short :-) )
As for using your products again ... I don't see it happening in the future... I'm currently loving the free VS Code... its fast, free and updates every month or so... Its going to be very hard for you to convince me to come back to a paying model... (just sayn).
PS: I no longer subscribe to posts and only came here by accident (hence my delayed response). Contact me direct should you require any clarrification