False code inspect errors

Since the new update to 181.4203.562 I have noticed the code inspect is incorrectly looking at some methods. The only one I've noticed so far is I have two completely separate ruby rspec test files that have a method with the same name.

While using file A the code inspect will highlight the method as 'found extra arguments' (file B's method) when the method used in file A requires an argument. Also if I CMD click on the method to go to the declaration it will go to file B's declaration instead of file A's. Both files execute fine, it's just purely an inspect issue.

File A: open_house_spec.rb, method: common_setup(id)

File B: commission_review_spec.rb, method: common_setup()

RubyMine 2018.1
Build #RM-181.4203.562, built on March 27, 2018
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1136-b20 x86_64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
macOS 10.13.4


I am running into the same issue using the following.

IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-182.3684.101, built on July 24, 2018
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1248-b8 x86_64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
macOS 10.13.6

Ruby plugin version: 2018.2.20180725

This specifically happens for me using minitest and defining a class within a minitest test file.

I am trying to specify a mock class within the test, but when I try to instantiate that class intellij complains that it found extra arguments. But the tests themselves run fine.


I didn't catch which update fixed this, but it was 1-2 updates after I reported I believe. So it seems like whatever bug was messing with RubyMine is now affecting IDEA. The "workaround" I used to prevent the inspection error was name my methods differently which was very annoying, but works.


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