Re-position at start of file when double-click on file in Project file window


I have a project open and  if i switch between two file of the project by double-click on the files in Project-file tree the cursor it re-position at the top of the file.

If i scroll in one file and go to second file when i access the first file by double-click on it i want  the pointer to remain at the last scroll position .

What setting i need to change to have this behavior?



Please try to disable all custom plugins at File | Settings | Plugins > Show: Custom & check the issue after that. There were similar issues caused by some plugin.

If that doesn't help - please attach a screenshot of your IDE layout (tabs & tool windows placement)

Permanently deleted user

Unfortunately doesn`t work. There was only one custom plugin and the behavior don`t change if i deactivate it.  

I have two projects and what is strange is that this behavior happen only in one of them. The projects are open separate in a new window.

It is so annoying... Any other ideas .. maybe some type of reset ?? 



>Any other ideas .. maybe some type of reset ?? 

If it works in another project .. then try re-creating not working project from scratch. For that:

  • Close this project in IDE (or better close whole IDE)
  • Backup and delete .idea subfolder (that's where project settings are stored for (that project))
  • Open IDE and use "Open" -- point to the project root folder and IDE will create new project from existing files
  • Configure project as needed (some stuff can be re-used from backup files as is)
Permanently deleted user

yes. That was the solution. Thanks.

But if anyone use this approach this procedure will delete all the configurations. You need to create them again.

!!!!!!  It will probably delete also all the custom information stored in .ide folder.  !!!!!!



>But if anyone use this approach this procedure will delete all the configurations. You need to create them again.

>!!!!!!  It will probably delete also all the custom information stored in .ide folder.  !!!!!!

You have asked for "some type of reset" .. right?

In any case: some stuff can be backed up and then copy-pasted into new .idea folder (while project is closed) -- like dictionaries, inspection profiles, shared profiles and other stuff.

Or you can backup whole folder and try compare to new content and merge them manually (if you figure out what each config element does).

Permanently deleted user

Yes, i asked for a reset. It was not a problem for me because the project was new and have only one configuration. 

I just wanted to point out that you will lose all the configuration (my comments where intended as warning for new users ). A backup is a good approach.Thanks again.


Hello. After upgrading to the version 2019.1 I have the same problem. But it persists in all projects and disregarding any plugins (no advices above helped me). 


Tried to play around with my PhpStorm 2019.1 installation, no issues with the mouse pointer and caret position at all.

Maxim, what OS do you have installed? Would it be possible to record a short screencast with the presentation?


Vasiliy Yur, the problem is not about mouse pointer, but about text cursor (caret)

My OS in linux (ubuntu). PhpStorm is installed via snap package.


@Maxim, I suppose you're talking about PHP files having a single class only?
It's a bugged feature, basically it should have focus the class name in case the file has never been open or if the caret was outside the class declaration, or keep the last caret position otherwise.



Eugene Morozov, thank you for information. Yes, I mean PHP files having a single class. But the editor always puts cursor at the class name and never keeps last position. The issue you pointed to is marked as fixed. How can I install the respective update?


We expect this fix to be available with the next week release only, it's not yet included in any build unfortunately.


I can wait one week with no problems :) Many software programs have unfixed bugs for years :)


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