Unable to launch multiple intances of PyCharm on Windows 7


I'm trying to run two pycharm sessions at the same time, but haven't been able to do that.



I've copied the python source files for each project into separate directories, so that separate .idea directories can exist.


I've changed System Settings to Open Project In a New Window, then closed Pycharm and restarted it.

When I attemtp to open another session, nothing happens. No errors are shown, the 2nd isntance does not launch.


WHat do I need to do to launch two concurrent Pychamr instances?

1 comment

I don't think two sessions can be started from the OS.  Tried, failed.

I can get two Pycharm 2017.3.4 windows running by:

File - Open... - <select the project you want to open>

Click 'OK'.

Select in the 'Open Project' dialog if you'd like to 'Open in new window' (sic), which I think is what you want.  Alternative you can 'Open in current window' (ditto).  You can also select whether to add the opening project to your current project.

Thanks for the question.  I poked at it a little since it would help me too.  Wish I'd realized this was here sooner!  I've been copying files in directories from the OS, which works, but this could be nice.



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