I want to use intellij diff tool to achieve three goals


I am working on a git repo

Is there a way to 

1. Resolve merge conflict in multiple files, which I don't know where are they.
2. Show the current diff in a holistic view
3. Selectively add a small piece of diff to staging

I already RTFM, but it doesn't look clear to me how to achieve this

1 comment

>1. Resolve merge conflict in multiple files, which I don't know where are they.

Use the VCS - Git - Resolve conflicts action when there are files with conflicts in the project

>2. Show the current diff in a holistic view

Please clarify what exactly you mean. Do you mean showing all files in one diff? https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-64438


> 3. Selectively add a small piece of diff to staging

Use Partial cahngelist. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szlAxgchyXU&feature=youtu.be


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