WebStorm 2018.1 Mac Version does not run single Unit Tests with Jest
I do not know what happened but I can't run single Unit Test, the process stuck in Instantiating tests
But if I execute that command in the terminal everything goes well
And if I run all the test there is no problem
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Not enough info to see what's wrong... try changing the working directory in your single test run configuration to the one where your package.json resides - does it help?
I had the same problem, and Elena's suggestion fixed the issue. I added the working directory that contains my package.json to my default Jest test configuration, and it's been running smoothly since then.
It seems like a bug, maybe something can be done about that?
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-31201 is fixed in 2018.1.2
It didn't work for me, but I solved in a really weird way, I debugged the test and I notice that was stuck in this function in the package require_optional, so that's the reason why the the process stuck in Instantiating tests
So I added find_package_json.caller() and everything worked again