Cannot import pandas using conda enviroment
I cannot import pandas using a conda enviroment in PyCharm (Community Edition 2018.1).
I have set the project interpreter to the python.exe located in the environment path (C:\Users\Benoit Germonpre\Anaconda3\envs\tellmi_venv\python.exe).
The environment has pandas version 0.20.3 installed. I can see it using conda list and I can also find it amongst the packages under Settings / Project Interpreter.
However, when I do "import pandas as pd", I get the following message: Process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005) (See image)
For other packages, e.g. numpy/sklearn I don't have this issue.
Any ideas what could cause this?
Thanks for the help!
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I recreated the conda environment from scratch and now it works.