Hydra-style keybindings for IntelliJ
I am switching from Emacs to IntelliJ.
One of my favorite features of Emacs is Hydra: https://github.com/abo-abo/hydra -- a way method for defining nested keymaps.
From my limited understanding of IntelliJ -> File -> Settings -> Shortcuts, it appears that
IntelliJ keybinding = 1 or 2 chords
each chord = regular key + subset of {shift, alt, ctrl}
Hydra allows me to define more complicated key bindings, for example, I can define
"esc n f" = new file
"esc g f" = goto file
"esc g c" = goto class
Furthermore, it can be setup so that when I press "esc g" it will show:
f -> goto file
c -> goto class
Is there anyway to define hydra like bindings in IntelliJ?
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There is no such feature in IDEA.
Feel free to create feature request on YouTrack: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/IDEA.