Gradle issue in Android plugin
I made a test project with Android plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1, but there are some Gradle issues.
- Cannot resolve symbol applicationId / versionCode / versionName / testInstrumentationRunner / exclude
- minifyEnabled cannot be applied to java.lang.Boolean
These issues didn't occur when I make same project with Android Studio 3.1.1.
How to I fix this?
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Where is "Use default gradle wrapper (recommended)" option?
I found it. But I already checked "Use default gradle wrapper (recommended)" option.
I have the same problem, have you found any solution?
If the problem still persists could you please raise a ticket at: , with example project attached.
Having a similar issue as well ,tried the suggested solution but doesnt seem to be working. Please help!!
Could you please raise a ticket at: , with example project attached.
I already made a ticket about this issue.
Thank you for raising the ticket, our developers are investigating the problem.
I have the same issue, waiting to see what do you do
Also have this issue for import a existing android studio project to Intellij Ultimate version.
The same problem, guys
Hi. Does it helps if you select File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle "Use default gradle wrapper (recommended)" option.
Hi. this is a project level options, you need to have Gradle project open and active to see them.
Same problem, right after creating a new project using wizard.