Database tab does not show schemas and tables


Hi, Guys!

I can't figure out why RubyMine Database tab is not showing the schemas and tables.

I'm pretty sure my database configs are correct because I can do queries using the Console.

Does anybody know what's going on?



You first need to select the Schemas you want to be synchronized and displayed for the data-source:

See also Showing and hiding schemas and Resolving visualization problems.


For me helped to create a duplicate of connection. Invalidation of cashes and restart didn't work, and all previous comments


Thank you, Aleksey. Duplicating solved the issue for me as well


Thank You, Darius!

I had a similar Issue where a new Table cant open as a Tab.

It is Visible in List, Console can query it, but no tab can be open

=> Invalidate and Restart helped!


@PHPStorm-Developers: Need to be fixed!


I managed to solve this by selecting "All schemas" under the Schemas tab when adding a DB Source.

This didn't work once the DB Source was already added.

Permanently deleted user


I already tried all those things and it is still showing 0 of 8 as you can see in the image below.


The schema is selected but nothing is showing and I'm pretty sure that the connection is woking because I can fetch some data form the console.

Do you have any other idea?



0 number indicates that there are zero schemas actually selected. Please try explicitly selecting the schema in the popup (so that it has the check-mark). Also try selecting other schemas. Does it work?

Is issue remains, please post the content of idea.log after IDE restart, selecting the schema and selecting the Synchronize action. Thanks.

Permanently deleted user

No, it does not work even selecting another schemas. 

Permanently deleted user

Hey, Andrey.

It didn't work. :(


What is the current issue? Are you able to execute the queries but the schemas are not shown in Database tool window? 

Could you please post Details output from Test Connection button for the Data Source, attach the screenshot of Shemas tab for the data source and idea.log after IDE restart and trying to synchronize the data source (if possible please upload it somewhere than posing complete content here). Thank you.


Okay, I had this problem and was selecting/deselecting in the tab shown above. Guess what? The filter funnel icon in the Database panel was set not to show schemas. This explains why I was able to see the schemas in one project, but not able to see them in another project even when using an identical connection (or even the same connection, set to be shared globally).

tl/dr click the blue funnel icon in the menu bar of the Database panel. Click 'All'.

Permanently deleted user

For me helped invalidate cache and restart


I can see from the screenshot Sandro has posted that some filtering is active (green dot beside the funnel icon). I think it's possible that some software upgrades might introduce a filter - I've certainly never opted to 'not see' my schemas! So in addition to other checks, I would definitely suggest checking if the filters are stopping you see the tables.


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