RestService - visibility of method getLastFocusedOrOpenedProject
I am working on a plugin which should extend the RestService.
And I am stuck as I need some functionality like OpenFileHttpService, and some of the methods appears to be hidden.
Could someone help me how to resolve these?
For example:
1) /org/jetbrains/ide/OpenFileHttpService.kt:145
var isAllowed = checkAccess(file)
This function is internal - so I cannot access it - which is weird, as it would be pretty useful, and I do not see any reason tp hide it.
2) org/jetbrains/ide/OpenFileHttpService.kt:205
is protected static, which is very confusing - i cannot access it as well. And as it is static - I cannot even overwrite it and get access... Again - pretty useful function is just marked as not accessible.
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This class is internal. I suggest you just copy required code for you to your own class.