Settings freezes PyCharm
I have the same problem as this post but with the latest 64-bit version version of PyCharm Community 2018.2.1 build #PC-182.3911.33.
When I go to File/Settings, PyCharm completely freezes. I have uploaded thread dumps created using jstack and named dump1.txt, dump2.txt, dump3.txt, dump4.txt
Thank you
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I'm having the same problem. It tells me that no python interpreter hasn't been configured. If I click on Configure Python interpreter, or go to Settings, everything freezes. I renamed the plugins directory instead of deleting it, and it still freezes. I have the August 5th version, and it's a paid subscription.
Hi Dave, could you please create a ticket in our bug tracker and attach the whole log folder zipped from Help | Show Log in ...?
Will do - thanks!
I am seeing this too. any fixes or workarounds?
Hi @Pravn The issue was related to the (anaconda) python interpreter. I think the updated IDE may have had a conflict with the version of python.exe that I was using. I updated python and all dependencies and the problem has not returned.
See this discussion
Same problem here,
PyCharm 2018.3.2 (Professional Edition)
Build #PY-183.4886.43, built on December 18, 2018
Windows 10 10.0
Hi Jm
Can you please record some thread dumps according to
And get the logs according to
You can bundle them in a .zip file and upload to , then let us know the file name
Check your event notification in startup GUI, if it says java lower version it may cause instability, Your Java would be pointing a lower version, update recent java version, point the newer java version path in settings/environment variables/system variables. this worked for me.