CLion Spell Checker does not supply alternatives ("Change to..." option)
Hi everyone,
I'm new to C (but not to JetBrains products :). CLion spellchecker works fine and marks misspelled words, but when I ALT+ENTER I see only the "Add to dictionary" option, and not the helpfull "Change to ..." option.
What can be done? No settings regarding that otption, and I can't find anyone else who encountered it...
Thanks in advance.
Using CLion 2018.2.1, Windows 10.
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For what words you don't see suggestions? I tried with "ttest" and saw suggestions:
Hey! So I tried ttest:
If i'm writing inside a .txt file, I do get the suggestions.
On the other hand, when writing in any of .c/.h/.cpp files, I do not see the suggestions dialog:
Any idea?
Could you please provide a screenshot?
Also please go to
File | Settings | Editor | Spelling
and check whether bundled dictionaries are enabled.Added picture to previous comment.
Also, all bundled dictionaries are enabled.
Thank you for the screenshot! Spell check suggestions are not available in Doxygen comments. Please comment or upvote
I see the same problem outside of doxygen comments using clion 2019.3
Would add to an existing bug, but there are so many I'm not sure which one to add it to.
Hi Andrew! According to the screenshot, you have the "Rename to" option.What issue do you face?
It doesn't actually provide any options under rename to. I'll try to provide another screenshot when I'm back at work.