PHPStorm FTP requires Windows (7) firewall to give access through Public networks?!


I'm at a library public WiFi, I set all public WiFi to be "Public" in Windows 7 network options by default, but when I hit Ctrl+S to upload modified file, the Windows Firewall dialog opens with the "Public networks" enable checked for the PHPStorm exe, but I don't want to open the firewall on public networks, but when I uncheck it, the file won't upload...

I don't get the firewall prompt when I connect to the FTP through FileZilla, nor when I try to copy a file up... so I don't understand why PHPStorm is requiring it.

What am I missing here? Is it safe to enable this for PHPStorm through Public networks?


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If you would like PhpStorm to use public networks for uploading files and other communications then you should allow it.

Note that it doesn't mean that you are opening the firewall for all incoming and outgoing traffic, you just let PhpStorm use it.

In Windows Control Panel > Windows Firewall > Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall you can see a list of software that is allowed to communicate through private and public networks. If you don't get a prompt for FileZilla while working with private networks then it must be already allowed there.


Why does it even ask for Public networks firewall access?

Also, the prompt doesn't specify the port being requested… 

There's not enough information here. I have to Cancel for now, but I don't know what features this will affect in the program.


Found this through Google again.

Can somebody please describe what PhpStorm or OpenJDK is trying to do with this latest prompt I got?

It came up while I was trying to understand an apparently unrelated error, darkening the screen and blocking my ability to do anything other than click “Allow” or “Cancel”.

I can't decide what to click if I don't know what it's asking to do or what in PhpStorm won't work right if I click Cancel.

I'm paranoid anymore with privacy concerns about giving access to apps through the firewall when I can't tell what they're going to do. Clicking Show More shows Learn More, clicking that shows Microsoft's Windows firewall page warning about allowing apps through it etc. It's generic and not enough information.

Please describe what OpenJDK is asking to do through the firewall, and what PhpStorm will use it for. Checking for updates? Sending telemetry data? Why does it need access to other devices on my network?


@Vladimir Luchansky Is nobody at JetBrains or here in this community forum paying attention to this?


Access to public networks is not needed unless your Windows networking is misconfigured and your local network is treated as Public instead of Private. Refer to Windows documentation / settings for more information, this is not related to our products.

Access to private networks is requested because the app opens a port to listen for incoming broadcast traffic used for licensing protection.

Features like internal web server may also request access to private networks if you have enabled the Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger | Built-in Server | Can accept external connections option.

Third-party plug-ins opening ports for their networking features can also trigger this.

Use TcpView to see what ports on what network interfaces the IDE opens.

Outgoing connections normally do not trigger this Windows Firewall dialog.


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