Structure View for several files

Good morning,

My objective is to try to display a set of XML files in  single tree using the right way (by right way, I means something similar to what’s done for  « Structure » view toolwindow on a single file)

For now I know how to read Xml files (using XmlTag), build a Tree of DefaultMutableTreeNode and add that Tree to a JPanel (for example in my own ToolWindow). And obviously I don’t want to implement the highlight of text (tag) in xml file according to selected tree node

I’ve start looking at XmlStructureViewTreeModel , StructureViewTreeElement and so on, but for now I’m stuck

Is it possible to build a Tree of StructureViewTreeElement, but I’m afraid that TreeModel and StructureViewModel to be incompatible
   plus perhaps StructureViewTreeElement is only available with opened files ?


1 comment
Permanently deleted user

You might take a look at Hierarchy views. (Ctrl+H).  They are not single-file oriented and can show several types of trees/sorts (parents, children, both, alphabetical).


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