Why do PSI element types have to have a separate interface and an implementation class?

I don't use GrammarKit BNF in my custom language parser, so I create the PSI element type classes manually, and I don't want to spend the effort creating two files for the same element type. Is there any reason or restriction?


In addition, I am writing a reference contributor, but PlatformPatterns.psiElement() is only matching the PsiComment elements in my file, where the PsiComments are the only non-custom element type used in my custom language (apart from whitespaces). I am not sure if this bug is related to not separating interfaces and implementations.


There's no such restriction. One can use implementation classes directly.

Please add some snippets to illustrate the problems.


I even System.out.println() directly to check what elements I have traversed:


No errors spotted in the event log, live idea.log (in IntelliJ's Run tool window) or main output. I'm using PhpStorm.

I used PsiViewer to make sure the file consists not only comment elements.


References are a completely different story.

Each psi implementation shall opt in for provided references explicitly.

See https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/blob/master/java/java-psi-impl/src/com/intellij/psi/impl/source/tree/java/PsiLiteralExpressionImpl.java#L216


So the full steps are:

  1. Override getReferences() and return 
  2. Implement 
  3. PsiReferenceRegistrar.registerReferenceProvider() to handle the reference contribution

Thanks, this works.

But why aren't the first 2 steps mentioned in the tutorial?



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