How do I browse all the functions in a project?
I am sure it must be possible but can't find it and Google has been of little help.
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Hi there,
What exactly you want to achieve?
There is no class/function/constants browser -- a window that would list all known entities from the whole project.
"There is no class/function/constants browser -- a window that would list all known entities from the whole project."
ah, ok.. that's too bad. I have used PHPed for years and they have this feature and i can't tell you how many times i have wanted to browse the projects "api" to see if i could find an applicable function call i could use.
I guess this is a feature request then. Hard to imagine why this wouldn't be there. :(
>i can't tell you how many times i have wanted to browse the projects "api" to see if i could find an applicable function call i could use.
Code completion? It will list available functions/classes. But you better have some starting point (a class name or approx function name etc) otherwise it may lists everything.
>I guess this is a feature request then I guess.
ok, commented there with this screenshot from phpED:
and no, code completion won't be as helpful.
really killing me that this is missing... finding myself having to set up project on Storm and then also on phpED just to be able to browse the API.. ughh!!
You can still use Navigate | Symbol - usually API methods have a common part in name so you can enter it and then search through the list and add the words you need to find as search is fuzzy.
painful.. :(
I agree with the OP. Ive been using PHPStorm for years. Also been wanting this feature for years. I hope it is added soon.