Is it possible to disable code folding in PhpStorm ?
Hi !
I wonder if its possible to disable code folding in PhpStorm ?
I tried to uncheck all folding options :
But my code still gets folded:
I tried the expand recursively option in Code | Folding, but it doesn't seem to work.
It's a bit annoying that I can't manage to control this behaviour.
Is there any solution ?
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Hi there,
I see no code folding on your code screenshot.
@Andriy Bazanov
After the " view: " in the render function there is some code that is folded (?), if I click on it, it expands. Wonder what they call that ? It folds and unfolds when I use cmd + / cmd - on mac, but I have to do that each time...
What it looks like when "unfolded" :
I see -- thanks for the 2nd screenshot.
Symfony framework? So you must be using Symfony plugin -- please check any options there.
I do not see anything like that in my code (but I do not use Symfony plugin or framework)
@Andriy Bazanov Thanks !!
The Symfony plugin was generating that code folding.
The weird thing was that I didn't have any access to the Symfony plugin options for some reason. Had to remove/reinstall the plugin to see the options, and being able to disable cold folding:
That solves it !
Thanks again.
>The weird things was that I didn't have any access to the Symfony plugin options for some reason. Had to remove/reinstall the plugin to see the options
Sounds odd. Quite possibly you have accessed it in a wrong way (e.g. when all projects are closed ... or accessed via Default Settings instead).
Anyway: it's resolved now. Enjoy.
Well if anyone else has the issue, in Languages & Frameworks | PHP , I had Laravel, Annotations, etc, but no Symfony !! (although the plugin was working). I may have had an older version of the plugin.