Got a permission denied error when try to configurate ssh interpreter in Pycharm

When I try to create a remote interpreter via ssh, I got the following error:

enter image description here

I use Windows 10 and WSL I tryied to run Pycharm with administrator permission and try to add the user to sudoers at the WSL. There are no effect. I don't understand, why this error occures.
I connect using Putty and the same user and everything works. Also I tried to connect with Pycharm's Tools->Deployment, I see all files and have permissions to edit them.

What wrong with the interpreter configuration? Pls help.


Have you checked the permissions of the ssh user for those folders?

You should have read/write access to them.


There are some rare cases when interpreter points to some dependencies which are protected. But I'm not sure how to fix it exactly since I didn't have this problem myself.

Anyway, Permission Denied error is not coming from PyCharm itself rather than from the remote host.

Permanently deleted user

Same problem here.

Deployment Connection is, however, successful. All directories within SFTP are visible.

The Virtual Env set up on the server uses python3.6 (also installed on the local PC), chmod for all folders/files is 755, chown for the same user as sftp connection.


Permanently deleted user

Hi Sergey,

Yes, that was the first thing I've checked and the same user and the group that use to ssh in deployment have full read/write access to the project directory.

It's a django/gunicorn project, so I also thought that python3 being busy with gunicorn might be a problem, but stopping gunicorn did not help either - still having the same picture as the topic starter.




Permanently deleted user

Hi, Maxim!
If my memory does not fail me, I solved this issue via changing the port to 22. It was not work with port 2222, and I don't understand why. Maybe you have the same problem.

Permanently deleted user

Hi Sergey,

Yes, I think it's something on the server. Thanks anyway.


Hi San4ezy,

I am using the port 22. Was there anything else you did?





Hi Maxim

did you solve your problem? I have the same one


Same problem. Permission Denied is really from remote server.

My problem is no permission to my home path (~).

Pycharm remote interpretation need deploy helpers file installed in pycharm to home path (~), if you have no permission to home path, then, "Permission Denied" will be alerted


Check if the home directory exists.
For new users, it helped.


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