Sharing custom build targets with other team members


If I add CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES definition to my CMakeLists.txt file, I still need to go to "Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | CMake" settings to setup CMake profiles before my custom types appear in Configurations drop-down. Types are project-specific and need to be available to all team members. I need it the way that if a new type is added, it does not require everyone to go to Preferences and update the profiles. So, I need this to be controlled by something that is checked into VCS, either CMakeLists.txt or one of the project-specific .xml files in .idea. Is it possible?



Hi! Sorry for the inconvenience. 

Currently CMake profiles are stored in the workspace.xml file among with your other workspace preferences. 

Feel free to comment or upvote the feature request about possibility to share CMake options:

Permanently deleted user

Thanks, Anna. Upvoted.

Alternatively, maybe it is possible to make build types to be completely defined in CMakeLists.txt without mandatory "profiles".


I'm afraid, currently in order to have several build types in the drop-down, you need either create several CMake profiles or create several different Run configurations for the same target with different CMake configurations. But Run configurations are also stored in the workspace.xml file, so this won't help.


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