clion could not launch lldb on mac os high sierra
Hi, I am Running clion on mac os high Sierra, but I can't debug my code with clion lldb, it always reported the error "Couldn't launch process, Process finished with exit code 0". and here is the logs:
2018-09-0610:13:55,766 [ 64993] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.cpp - Building: /Applications/ --build /Users/russell.bie/CLionProjects/LeetcodeSolution/cmake-build-debug --target LeetcodeSolution -- -j 6
2018-09-06 10:13:56,116 [ 65343] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 89 req(87): handle_console_command {
thread_id: 4294967295
frame_index: -1
command: "settings set target.process.thread.step-in-avoid-nodebug true"
2018-09-06 10:13:56,116 [ 65343] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 148 req(88): handle_console_command {
thread_id: 4294967295
frame_index: -1
command: "settings set target.process.thread.step-out-avoid-nodebug true"
2018-09-06 10:13:56,119 [ 65346] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 150 req(136): handle_console_command {
thread_id: 4294967295
frame_index: -1
command: "type summary add --skip-pointers --summary-string \"${var%d} ${var}\" --category cplusplus \"char\" \"signed char\""
2018-09-06 10:13:56,119 [ 65346] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 151 req(130): handle_console_command {
thread_id: 4294967295
frame_index: -1
command: "type summary add --skip-pointers --summary-string \"${var%u} ${var}\" --category cplusplus \"unsigned char\""
2018-09-06 10:13:56,120 [ 65347] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 152 req(51): handle_console_command {
thread_id: 4294967295
frame_index: -1
command: "type category enable objc"
2018-09-06 10:13:56,121 [ 65348] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 152 req(9): values_filtering_policy {
filter_enabled: 1
2018-09-06 10:13:56,121 [ 65348] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 153 req(80): handle_console_command {
thread_id: 4294967295
frame_index: -1
command: "script import lldb_formatters.jetbrains_stl_formatters"
2018-09-06 10:13:56,123 [ 65350] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 154 req(94): create_target {
exe_path: "/Users/russell.bie/CLionProjects/LeetcodeSolution/cmake-build-debug/LeetcodeSolution"
arch: ""
2018-09-06 10:13:56,140 [ 65367] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - LLDBFrontend: /Applications/ 50611
2018-09-06 10:13:56,171 [ 65398] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 185 res:handle_console_command {
common_response {
is_valid: true
success: 1
2018-09-06 10:13:56,171 [ 65398] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 203 res:handle_console_command {
common_response {
is_valid: true
success: 1
2018-09-06 10:13:56,172 [ 65399] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 204 res:handle_console_command {
common_response {
is_valid: true
success: 1
2018-09-06 10:13:56,172 [ 65399] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 204 res:handle_console_command {
common_response {
is_valid: true
success: 1
2018-09-06 10:13:56,173 [ 65400] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 204 res:handle_console_command {
common_response {
is_valid: true
success: 1
err: "warning: empty category enabled (typo?)\n"
2018-09-06 10:13:56,173 [ 65400] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 205 res:values_filtering_policy {
common_response {
is_valid: true
2018-09-06 10:13:56,293 [ 65520] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 325 res:handle_console_command {
common_response {
is_valid: true
success: 1
2018-09-06 10:13:56,442 [ 65669] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 474 res:create_target {
common_response {
is_valid: true
2018-09-06 10:13:56,450 [ 65677] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 482 req(68): add_breakpoint {
file: "/Users/russell.bie/CLionProjects/LeetcodeSolution/main.cpp"
line: 10
2018-09-06 10:13:56,452 [ 65679] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 483 res:add_breakpoint {
common_response {
is_valid: true
id: 1
2018-09-06 10:13:56,472 [ 65699] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 498 req(1291): launch {
command_line {
env {
name: "PWD"
value: "/Users/russell.bie/CLionProjects/LeetcodeSolution/cmake-build-debug"
env {
name: "LSCOLORS"
value: "Gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad"
env {
name: "NSUnbufferedIO"
value: "YES"
env {
name: "HOME"
value: "/Users/russell.bie"
env {
name: "Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render"
value: "/private/tmp/"
env {
name: "LOGNAME"
value: "russell.bie"
env {
name: "PATH"
value: "/Applications/IntelliJ"
env {
name: "TMPDIR"
value: "/var/folders/d8/z1gzd4mx2zxcb9nnjz2xd45xn3w5zx/T/"
env {
value: "2.7"
env {
name: "SHELL"
value: "/bin/zsh"
env {
value: "186a8"
env {
name: "XPC_FLAGS"
value: "0x0"
env {
name: "LESS"
value: "-R"
env {
name: "ZSH"
value: "/Users/russell.bie/.oh-my-zsh"
env {
name: "LC_CTYPE"
value: ""
env {
value: "0x6A3E17FD:0x0:0x0"
env {
name: "PAGER"
value: "less"
env {
value: "com.jetbrains.CLion.13840"
env {
name: "USER"
value: "russell.bie"
env {
value: "no"
env {
value: "667"
env {
value: "/var/folders/d8/z1gzd4mx2zxcb9nnjz2xd45xn3w5zx/T//ssh-yl4mMLrd2btd/agent.665"
env {
name: "OLDPWD"
value: "/Applications/"
exe_path: "/Users/russell.bie/CLionProjects/LeetcodeSolution/cmake-build-debug/LeetcodeSolution"
working_dir: "/Users/russell.bie/CLionProjects/LeetcodeSolution/cmake-build-debug"
stdin_path: "/private/var/folders/d8/z1gzd4mx2zxcb9nnjz2xd45xn3w5zx/T/process_pipe_dir/process_pipe"
stdout_path: "/dev/ttys000"
stderr_path: "/dev/ttys001"
2018-09-06 10:13:57,117 [ 66344] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 1144 res:composite_broadcast {
modules_loaded {
modules: "dyld"
2018-09-06 10:13:57,117 [ 66344] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 1149 res:composite_broadcast {
process_running {
2018-09-06 10:13:57,117 [ 66344] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 1149 res:composite_broadcast {
process_exited {
exit_code: 0
2018-09-06 10:14:00,119 [ 69346] WARN - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - Cannot detach/abort. Forcing driver termination
2018-09-06 10:14:00,121 [ 69348] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 4152 req(6): exit {
2018-09-06 10:14:00,122 [ 69349] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger -
com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.backend.lldb.LLDBDriverException: Couldn't launch process
at com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.backend.lldb.LLDBDriver$ThrowIfNotValid.throwIfNeeded(
at com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.backend.lldb.LLDBDriver.a(
at com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.backend.lldb.LLDBDriver.access$800(
at com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.backend.lldb.LLDBDriver$5.startImpl(
at com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.backend.DebuggerDriver$Inferior.start(
at com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.CidrDebugProcess.doStartTarget(
at com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.CidrDebugProcess.a(
at com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.CidrDebugProcess$
at com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.CidrDebugProcess$
at com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.CidrDebugProcess.a(
at com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.ExecutionQueueProcessor.a(
at com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.ExecutionQueueProcessor.a(
at com.intellij.util.concurrency.QueueProcessor$RunnableConsumer.consume(
at com.intellij.util.concurrency.QueueProcessor$RunnableConsumer.consume(
at com.intellij.util.concurrency.QueueProcessor.lambda$null$0(
at com.intellij.util.concurrency.QueueProcessor.runSafely(
at com.intellij.util.concurrency.QueueProcessor.lambda$wrappingProcessor$1(
at com.intellij.util.concurrency.QueueProcessor.lambda$null$3(
at com.intellij.util.concurrency.QueueProcessor.runSafely(
at com.intellij.util.concurrency.QueueProcessor.lambda$startProcessing$4(
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl$
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
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What CLion version do you use?
Please create a new default "C++ Executable" project and try to debug it. Does it work?
Still the same error.
and here is the version info:
CLion 2018.2.3
Build #CL-182.4323.58, built on September 5, 2018
Licensed to CLion Evaluator
Expiration date: September 11, 2018
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1248-b8 x86_64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
macOS 10.13.6
Could you please specify whether it worked before?
I got my new mac 1 month ago, and install clion two weeks ago, and it never works.
but xcode can debug c++ application in my mac.
Any update?
Russell, sorry for the late reply.
1. What compiler (name and version) do you use? Also please attach a screenshot of Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Toolchains.
2. Please turn on LLDB logs using
(you need to add this line to ~/.lldbinit-LLDBFrontend) and reproduce the issue after that.
Please attach the log here or send it to clion-support at, so we could take a look.
Hi Anna,
Here is the screenshot for Toolchains:
and here is the lldb log:
Thank you for the reply! Please close CLion, execute
xcode-select --install
in the terminal, open CLion and do Tools | CMake | Reset Cafe and Reload Project. Does the issue still persist after that?still the same error. I even reinstalled command line tools.
Have you done Tools | CMake | Reset Cafe and Reload Project after that?
Please attach a new screenshot of Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Toolchains.
Hi Anna,
I've done that.
here is the lldb log and screenshot this time:
Thank you, Russell! Our developer asks you to add some long loop with sleep to your program, launch the debugging process and press Pause Program. Does the debugger stop in this loop?
Also when the program stops on pause, please do `br list` and `image dump line-table main.cpp` in the LLDB console. Thanks.
I can't even launch the debugging process with clion. the console just shows the message "Couldn't launch process, Process finished with exit code 0"
after installing xcode, I can debug the binary generated by clion with lldb command. But there is still the same error for clion debugger.
Please try opening (/Applications/Utilities) and see if there is anything relevant in the "Errors and Faults" section at the moment of the launch. Also, worth taking a look at the "User Reports" there.
It looks like the inferior process launches and then immediately exits, but it's not clear why.
I found the below message for clion (libsystem_network.dylib) in "Errors and faults":
nw_path_close_fd Failed to close guarded necp fd 196 [9: Bad file descriptor]
Seems unrelated.
I also found this in user report:
Process: LeetcodeSolution [16054]
Path: /Users/USER/*/LeetcodeSolution
Identifier: LeetcodeSolution
Version: ???
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [16055]
Responsible: LeetcodeSolution [16054]
User ID: 1782454269
Date/Time: 2018-10-15 18:01:01.074 +0800
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.13.6 (17G2307)
Report Version: 12
Bridge OS Version: 2.4.1 (15P6805)
Anonymous UUID: 4EC60460-A797-DDEF-6970-FB338E9E8FF5
Sleep/Wake UUID: BB375150-7AAA-4569-9FD2-D433C5A82B90
Time Awake Since Boot: 23000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 7200 seconds
System Integrity Protection: disabled
Crashed Thread: 0
Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x000000010cb60f27
Termination Signal: Bus error: 10
Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xa
Terminating Process: exc handler [0]
VM Regions Near 0x10cb60f27:
__TEXT 000000010cb51000-000000010cb60000 [ 60K] r-x/rwx SM=COW T
--> __TEXT 000000010cb60000-000000010cb61000 [ 4K] rw-/rwx SM=COW T
__TEXT 000000010cb61000-000000010cb9c000 [ 236K] r-x/rwx SM=COW T
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 ??? 0x000000010cb60f27 _init_cpu_capabilities + 0
1 ??? 0x000000010cb815b4 mach_init + 19
2 ??? 0x000000010cb52369 dyldbootstrap::start(macho_header const*, int, char const**, long, macho_header const*, unsigned long*) + 346
3 ??? 0x000000010cb521d2 _dyld_start + 54
Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
rax: 0x0000000000000fff rbx: 0x000000010cb51000 rcx: 0x000000000000000c rdx: 0x000000010cbd5bd0
rdi: 0x0000000006000000 rsi: 0x0000000000002d18 rbp: 0x00007ffee66868d0 rsp: 0x00007ffee66868c8
r8: 0x0000000006000000 r9: 0x0000000000000090 r10: 0x000000010cb8184a r11: 0x0000000000000246
r12: 0x00007ffee6686970 r13: 0x000000010cb514c0 r14: 0x000000010cb516c0 r15: 0x00007ffee6686988
rip: 0x000000010cb60f27 rfl: 0x0000000000010216 cr2: 0x000000010cb60f27
Logical CPU: 0
Error Code: 0x00000015
Trap Number: 14
Binary Images:
0x109579000 - 0x10957bff7 +??? (0) <3DB1638C-9B9F-3B9B-B5FB-3F7A993AC514> (null)
0x10cb51000 - 0x10cb9bacf +??? (551.4) <8A72DE9C-A136-3506-AA02-4BA2B82DCAF3> (null)
External Modification Summary:
Calls made by other processes targeting this process:
task_for_pid: 1
thread_create: 0
thread_set_state: 0
Calls made by this process:
task_for_pid: 0
thread_create: 0
thread_set_state: 0
Calls made by all processes on this machine:
task_for_pid: 38564
thread_create: 0
thread_set_state: 0
VM Region Summary:
ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=428K resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=428K(100%)
Writable regions: Total=8404K written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=8404K(100%)
REGION TYPE SIZE COUNT (non-coalesced)
=========== ======= =======
Stack 8192K 2
__DATA 228K 4
__TEXT 312K 5
shared memory 8K 3
=========== ======= =======
TOTAL 64.6M 13
do you have slack or facebook messenger account so we can chat?
Do you have Symantec Endpoint Protection or any other third-party antivirus software installed?
When I finally closed the antivirus software, the debugger works.
Thank you all for the help.
I have a similar issue but I don't have any antivirus.
I'd really appericate your help
This is my debug log:
2019-08-07 19:46:41,243 [ 156252] INFO - tor.impl.FileEditorManagerImpl - Project opening took 562 ms
2019-08-07 19:46:41,269 [ 156278] INFO - Tools.base.JsbtStartupActivity - Found [] for com.intellij.lang.javascript.buildTools.grunt.GruntService
2019-08-07 19:46:41,269 [ 156278] INFO - Tools.base.JsbtStartupActivity - Found [] for com.intellij.lang.javascript.buildTools.gulp.GulpService
2019-08-07 19:46:41,269 [ 156278] INFO - Tools.base.JsbtStartupActivity - Found [] for com.intellij.lang.javascript.buildTools.npm.NpmScriptsService
2019-08-07 19:46:41,300 [ 156309] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.cpp - Executing CMake: /Applications/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" /Users/ranihorev/CLionProjects/untitled
2019-08-07 19:46:41,465 [ 156474] INFO - Json.PackageJsonUpdateNotifier - processPackageJsonFiles []
2019-08-07 19:46:43,575 [ 158584] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.cpp - CMake exit code: 0 for command: /Applications/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" /Users/ranihorev/CLionProjects/untitled
2019-08-07 19:46:43,577 [ 158586] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.cpp - CMake generation for Debug took 2 s 281 ms
2019-08-07 19:46:43,626 [ 158635] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.cpp - CMake generation took 2 s 334 ms; total time during this session: 2 s 405 ms
2019-08-07 19:46:43,745 [ 158754] INFO - pl.ProjectRootManagerComponent - project roots have changed
2019-08-07 19:46:43,761 [ 158770] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.cpp - Reloading CMake project took 2 s 556 ms
2019-08-07 19:46:43,786 [ 158795] INFO - g.FileBasedIndexProjectHandler - Reindexing refreshed files: 2 to update, calculated in 32ms
2019-08-07 19:46:43,808 [ 158817] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Reindexing refreshed files took 22ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2019-08-07 19:46:43,815 [ 158824] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Clearing symbols finished in 3 ms
2019-08-07 19:46:44,114 [ 159123] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Building symbols in FAST mode, 1 source files from total 441 project files
2019-08-07 19:46:45,418 [ 160427] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Loading symbols finished in 1 s 602 ms
2019-08-07 19:46:45,420 [ 160429] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Loading Header Maps finished in 2 ms
2019-08-07 19:46:45,421 [ 160430] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Loading Module Maps finished in 1 ms
2019-08-07 19:46:45,421 [ 160430] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Loaded 0 module maps in 0 packs for 0 search roots
2019-08-07 19:46:45,422 [ 160431] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Saved 0 module maps in 0 packs
2019-08-07 19:46:45,422 [ 160431] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Saving Module Maps finished in 0 ms
2019-08-07 19:46:45,423 [ 160432] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Loaded 2018 tables for 747 files (747 project files)
2019-08-07 19:46:45,423 [ 160432] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Building symbols for 1 source files
2019-08-07 19:46:45,958 [ 160967] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.cpp - Building: /Applications/ --build /Users/ranihorev/CLionProjects/untitled/cmake-build-debug --target untitled -- -j 2
2019-08-07 19:46:46,192 [ 161201] INFO - ings.impl.UpdateCheckerService - channel: release
2019-08-07 19:46:48,479 [ 163488] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Building symbols for 343 unused headers
2019-08-07 19:46:49,001 [ 164010] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.cpp - Building: /Applications/ --build /Users/ranihorev/CLionProjects/untitled/cmake-build-debug --target untitled -- -j 2
2019-08-07 19:46:49,441 [ 164450] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - LLDBFrontend: /Applications/ 49895
2019-08-07 19:46:49,503 [ 164512] WARN - j.openapi.wm.impl.IdeFrameImpl - Set preferredFocusableComponent in 'untitled' content in Debug tool window to avoid focus-related problems.
2019-08-07 19:46:49,503 [ 164512] WARN - j.openapi.wm.impl.IdeFrameImpl - untitled tool window - parent container is hidden
2019-08-07 19:46:49,725 [ 164734] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 372 res:composite_broadcast {
initialized {
version_string: "7.0.1"
version_string_original: "lldb version 7.0.1"
2019-08-07 19:46:49,753 [ 164762] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 499 req(87): handle_console_command {
thread_id: 4294967295
frame_index: -1
command: "settings set target.process.thread.step-in-avoid-nodebug true"
2019-08-07 19:46:49,754 [ 164763] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 522 req(88): handle_console_command {
thread_id: 4294967295
frame_index: -1
command: "settings set target.process.thread.step-out-avoid-nodebug true"
2019-08-07 19:46:49,756 [ 164765] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 523 req(136): handle_console_command {
thread_id: 4294967295
frame_index: -1
command: "type summary add --skip-pointers --summary-string \"${var%d} ${var}\" --category cplusplus \"char\" \"signed char\""
2019-08-07 19:46:49,757 [ 164766] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 524 req(130): handle_console_command {
thread_id: 4294967295
frame_index: -1
command: "type summary add --skip-pointers --summary-string \"${var%u} ${var}\" --category cplusplus \"unsigned char\""
2019-08-07 19:46:49,758 [ 164767] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 526 req(51): handle_console_command {
thread_id: 4294967295
frame_index: -1
command: "type category enable objc"
2019-08-07 19:46:49,758 [ 164767] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 524 res:handle_console_command {
common_response {
is_valid: true
success: 1
2019-08-07 19:46:49,759 [ 164768] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 527 req(9): values_filtering_policy {
filter_enabled: 1
2019-08-07 19:46:49,759 [ 164768] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 527 res:handle_console_command {
common_response {
is_valid: true
success: 1
2019-08-07 19:46:49,760 [ 164769] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 527 res:handle_console_command {
common_response {
is_valid: true
success: 1
2019-08-07 19:46:49,760 [ 164769] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 528 req(80): handle_console_command {
thread_id: 4294967295
frame_index: -1
command: "script import lldb_formatters.jetbrains_stl_formatters"
2019-08-07 19:46:49,762 [ 164771] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 529 req(76): create_target {
exe_path: "/Users/ranihorev/CLionProjects/untitled/cmake-build-debug/untitled"
arch: ""
2019-08-07 19:46:49,766 [ 164775] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 528 res:handle_console_command {
common_response {
is_valid: true
success: 1
2019-08-07 19:46:49,767 [ 164776] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 534 res:handle_console_command {
common_response {
is_valid: true
success: 1
err: "warning: empty category enabled (typo?)\n"
2019-08-07 19:46:49,768 [ 164777] DEBUG - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - [protobuf client 1] 536 res:values_filtering_policy {
common_response {
is_valid: true
2019-08-07 19:46:53,163 [ 168172] WARN - brains.cidr.execution.debugger - Cannot detach/abort. Forcing driver termination
2019-08-07 19:46:59,456 [ 174465] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Building symbols finished in 14 s 33 ms
2019-08-07 19:46:59,470 [ 174479] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Saving modified symbols for 748 files (1542 tables of total 1542)
2019-08-07 19:47:00,657 [ 175666] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Saving symbols finished in 1 s 187 ms
2019-08-07 19:47:00,659 [ 175668] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Pushing properties took 1ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2019-08-07 19:47:00,708 [ 175717] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Indexable file iteration took 49ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2019-08-07 19:47:00,708 [ 175717] INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Unindexed files update started: 1 files to update
2019-08-07 19:47:00,759 [ 175768] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Unindexed files update took 51ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
Hello everybody!
It's so strange. I have the same issue, but the number of error is different:
E0914 00:25:11.721419 145606080 ProtobufClient.cpp:187] ERROR connecting 3 No such process
Laptop: Macbook - Mojave
CLion 2019.2
I've trying to fix it for already 4 days a row. I've tried LLVM and GDB, none of it does not work. I placed breakpoints and just clicked debug button. It seems it should be ok, but it was just like this: Process finished with exit code 0
Please find screenshots below and log file.
3. CMake settings
4. Toolchains
5. CMakeLists.txt
I have tried to set several compilers:
Also, I've tried to reset cash and reload cmake project. Nothing helped.
But the most funny that another account on this Mac is ok. What ... How? :D
Please help to solve this issue.
We are experiencing this problem as well. Resetting CLion sometimes works but I often have to rebuild my whole project. Other developers on the team affected. I'm on Clion 2019.2 Mac OS X 10.14.6.
But how to reset Clion? May be it will work. I am ready to try any method to fix this.
Finally I did it. I reset CLion config. I've just deleted ~/Library/Preferences/<PRODUCT><VERSION> folder and it worked. Thank you.
@Igorbulakh1987 you can also try using the tip from if the issue reoccurs.
@Rani Horev please describe the problem and specify the macOS version.