Does it scroll when you use code you've mentioned? I mean, for example in macOS scrollbar appearance depends on OS settings, so it can stay invisible. Anyway your code snippet looks fine and I just don't understand the problem you're trying to solve.
This is my tool window. As you can see in this picture tool window contains some lengthy text deep down. Although limited amount is displayed. Scrollbar is not appeared on the toolwindow. (Since it contains lengthy content scroll bar should appear)
Does it scroll when you use code you've mentioned? I mean, for example in macOS scrollbar appearance depends on OS settings, so it can stay invisible. Anyway your code snippet looks fine and I just don't understand the problem you're trying to solve.
This is my tool window. As you can see in this picture tool window contains some lengthy text deep down. Although limited amount is displayed. Scrollbar is not appeared on the toolwindow. (Since it contains lengthy content scroll bar should appear)
Please try myToolWindowContent.add(scrollArea)
I try with the above code. It does not work.