Editor Tabs None and maximaze the view for the file edit


I recently switch using IntelliJ without the tabs for the edit files.

But I would like to be aible to close the views in left and right in order to see only the opened file.

I see that if I make Alt+Echap I can close the views, but if I have 2 views in left and right I can close only one with Alt+Echap.

Is it possible to close the both and see only the opened file like when we have Tabs and we double clique over the tab.



Official comment

Which views in particular you can not close on the left? Could you please provide screenshots?

Permanently deleted user


Here some scrrenshots.

For exemple when I have this view whithout showing the opened files into Tabs :



I would like to close the Project and database tabs in order to see only the content of my file.

The same behavior like when I am in mode Editor Tabs > Top and a double click over the file allow to close all other views.


Thanks for any suggestions



Permanently deleted user

I found the command into the Keymap Reference -  Ctrl + Shift + F12


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