Get file from path to have a virtual file
Hi would like to have a virtual file from a custom file in my plugin project:
File file = new File("/templates/query.php");
MyPluginProjectComponent.getLogger().info(file.exists() ? "true" : "false");
VirtualFile virtualFile = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByIoFile(file);
The file is located in resources folder. How to load a file from a path in the plugin?
The objective here, is to have a virtual file or a psi file to write on the disk the query.php file from my action in "NewGroup" group-id
Or may be it's better to create a file on disk programmatically with PSI? But I don't find any plugin or simple example to do that.
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See com.intellij.util.ResourceUtil util class
Thank you for the reply.
I think it will be better if I create a PHP file with PSI.
It's possible to create a virtual file from a PSI file?
For example I would like to create a php file with PSI:
- add an opening php tag
- doc block
- class declaration
- constructor
- ...
I can't find any resources for this :/
I check into the PHP plugin, but the plugin create file from a code template and I want to create a file with PSI.
An API exists to create file from PSI?
For example, a PSI to create a constructor, add a whitespace, add a method, properties, ...?
The current code works but in the log file the text is false :/
Why it can be loaded? (The path and the file are correct in the jar file)
See com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtil#findFileByURL
Yes, it's working. Thank you ;)