Solved: Terminal will not return to docked mode

I've seen several posts on this issue, but none of the solutions presented are working.  This issue has been plaguing me for a while now.  At this time I'm using webstorm v2018.3.  When I recently started a new project the terminal is docked, but for my primary project it will not dock with the following solutions.


1) With the terminal in windowed mode, if I deselect windowed mode from the termainal it goes to floating mode.

2) In the menu Window > Active Tool Window the option to go to docked mode is greyed out.  If I deselect windowed mode from this menu it goes to floating mode, and docked mode is still greyed out.  


If anyone has a solution, I'm all ears, this is extremely frustrating.


Looks similar to

Deleting project .idea/workspace.xml should help to restore the default layout, but it's not the best solution of course...

Permanently deleted user

Yes seems similar to that issue, doesn't seem to provide any new solutions though.  Tried Shift+F12 as well.  That seems to minimize the terminal, but doesn't dock it back into the IDE window.

Permanently deleted user

Elena, your "not the best solution" ended up pointing me in the right direction.  I went into the workspace.xml for the newer project where this isn't an issue and copied the line below.  I replaced the terminal line in the problematic project with this line and it seems to be working now.  I wish the solution was more straight forward than that, but at the end of the day I'm just happy to have my terminal docked again.  Thanks!


<window_info id="Terminal" active="true" weight="0.2487725" visible="true" order="10" anchor="bottom"/>

Permanently deleted user

Hi everyone! Today I bumped with the same problem. After reading your comments I modified the method:

1. Close the project

2. open file .idea/workspace.xml (located in project folder) and found the line where id="Terminal" is located

3. on this line delete type="FLOATING"

4. Reopen the project

Really annoying issue, hope Jetbrains team will fix it.


Have almost the same problem. Once i actived the window mode on a project for the terminal i cannot use it anymore. Terminal crashes or disapears.

Unfortunatly there is Terminal entry in my workspace.xml that could be changed:/


The settings layout has changed recently, some information that used to be stored in `.idea/workspace.xml`, like the windows size and positions, etc. is now stored globally in IDE configuration directory

Please open <IDE config dir>/workspace folder, locate the .xml file that corresponds to your project and search it for "Terminal" entries there


For newer pycharm versions and people who just landed here for same floating terminal problem 

Now the easiest way to dock the terminal is, when the terminal is floating click on the settings icon on the top right corner of terminal → view mode → Dock Pinned



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