how to have JLabel update it's text value in another thread using Kotlin. (in Configurable::createComponent)

I have a Configurable class in which my createComponent() method looks somewhat like this:

override fun createComponent(): JComponent = com.intellij.ui.layout.panel {
row("DB info") {
cell {
browserLink("H2", "")

val versionLabel = JLabel() {
val driver = org.h2.Driver.load()
versionLabel.text = driver.majorVersion
versionLabel.updateUI() // <--- I've tried with and without this line

When I run the project I can see the link but the version number never appears. The process is running though as I can put a breakpoint on it and can see that the H2 db driver is loaded and returns a version number.

1 comment

I've actually got this working now with the following:


override fun createComponent(): JComponent = com.intellij.ui.layout.panel {
row("DB info") {
cell {
browserLink("H2", "") {
val d = org.h2.Driver.load()
JLabel("${d.majorVersion}.${d.minorVersion}")() // <--- Should I use JLabel or JBLabel here?

So the only question that I have now is whether or not I should be using JLabel or JBLabel for my UI and should I have wrapped that up in ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater {}?


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