Go autocomplete - disable names of return types
When I type a function parameter in Go, the autocomplete feature automatically inserts the return type names.
For example:
SomeFuncWithFuncParameter(func(ctx context.Context, key string) (type *grpc.MyType, e error) {
I want the return types of the param function to be unnamed by default. It should be just (*grpc.MyType, error)
Is it possible to achieve this?
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Hi Alexander, it looks like this is not the case. The declaration of my function does not specify named return types, but the autocomplete adds them anyway.
Also, I recently updated to Intellij version 18.3.x from 18.1.x I didn't have this issue before.
What is even more annoying is that the autocomplete adds named return types whenever I have more than one return type in any function.
Let's say that I have a func declaration as the following:
func (r *receiver) SomeNiceFunction(s string) (*package.TypeA, error) {
and I change the first return type to `*package.TypeB` then the autocomplete result is
func (r *receiver) SomeNiceFunction(s string) (typeB *package.TypeB, error) {
which the IDE will now mark as error, because one return type is named and the other is not.
This is extremely frustrating, since I have to go back and delete the name myself, or not use the autocomplete at all.
Completion repeats the expected type. If `SomeFuncWithFuncParameter` won't have names of return parameters in its functional parameter, completion won't add them by default.
Now I get it. It's going to be fixed in the first 2019.1 eap. Until then, you can disable `Settings | Go | Suggest parameter name in completion`.
Hi Alexander,
> What is even more annoying is that the autocomplete adds named return types whenever I have more than one return type in any function.
I was able to solve this ^ with your suggestion.
I'm looking forward to the fix to the other issue.
Thank you for your time
No problem.
Btw, GoLand 2019.1 EAP is published. Please take a look: https://www.jetbrains.com/go/nextversion/