What use is the round button with question mark in commit dialog ?
I see a rounded question mark at the left bottom of the commit window.
When i click it, the mouse pointer changes into a big '+'
But i could nt find a way to use that '+'
What can I do with it ?
On ubuntu 18.04
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Here is a screenshot of the Commit window from 2018.3.4, and I don't see this icon: http://prntscr.com/mlj5c2
Could you please also share a screenshot? Thank you!
Here is mine
See the "Show help contents" at the bottom left corner ?
It should open https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/commit-changes-dialog.html
Checked on 2018.3.4 & 2019.1 EAP - works fine. If you're on a latest version - try to reinstall IDE.
ok button doesnt work here on PhpStorm 2018.3.4 but it's nice to (re?)discover these help pages.
Just tried that button on PhpStorm 2018.3.4 on Ubuntu and it opens an aforementioned webpage. In fact, this "?" button appears on many windows (like Settings menu), does it work in the same way there?
Due to the large cross pointer shapte after clicking it, I imagined at some point that it was some kind of "help pointer" like "click ir then hover a button or control and see a dedicated help revealed" or such. I was puzzled. As for now, I wont uninstall and re-install PhpStorm for just that issue. (I car go to the help pages and search them in case i need it). Thanks a lot for caring to answer.