How to get PsiElement of focused line?
I am developing a plugin to do some thing based on the selected text in the editor.
In order to achieve my goal, I need to know the PsiElement type of the focused line.
For example:
if(a != null)
if I selected 'a != null', the focused line is a PsiIfStatement.
I know how to get the PsiElement of the selected text. But I don't how to get the PsiElement of that line.
Any suggestion?
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I'm not sure I understand your question, but there is no such thing as a "PsiElement for the current line". Could you please explain why you need it/what you want to achieve?
I want to add some code to the file.
If the selected text is in a if statement, the code is add before the focus line.
If the selected text is the parameter of a method, the code should be add after the Lbrace.
Please see
Hi Yann. Thanks for your reply.
I found I can use PsiTreeUtil.findCommonParent() to get parent of the selected text. Then I check the type the common parent.