Error compiling GoLand
Hi, i have a problem with compiling code, where code isnt in 1 file .go
Studying go by one resource service, there was a topic about "imports and packages". I repeated that code and have error.
I created project, created there directory "somecode" and there i have 2 files: factorial.go and main.go, both of files have package main for sure.
and i am getting this error:
But if I move factorial.go in new package - it works -_-
THE SECOND PROBLEM - i cant use imports by myself, when i do import "fmt" it just disappears, imports works only when i do some code and it appears by itself
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> and i am getting this error:
This is because factorial.go is not compiled. If you want to compile several files you should select both of them and run via right click menu. Or run entire directory/package via right click menu. Or edit manually run configuration to tell GoLand what exactly files you want to compile (menu Run | Edit configurations).
> THE SECOND PROBLEM - i cant use imports by myself, when i do import "fmt" it just disappears, imports works only when i do some code and it appears by itself
We've made some changes in it in GoLand 2019.1, so auto-removing will be less aggressive for users who like add imports manually. Now you can disable auto-removing unused imports via `Preferences | Go | Imports | Optimize imports on the fly`.
thank you!
but why people always tell no full PATH? ZZzzzz.
Triggering that so much) how to find "Preferences"?)
It depends on OS. For mac it's just Preferences. For other OS it's `File | Settings`. Also, you can find any action using Ctrl+Shift+A (Cmd+A on mac) shortcut or using Shift+Shift shortcut.
Thank you man.
and how can i see GOPATH?
i have problem, when i have mypackage(main.go)->src->user(user.go), i want to import user to main.go, but it importing "os/user", not "user" as it needed