Plugin Dependency issues in build.gradle and Plugin Repository Browsing


I'm developing a plugin which depends on another third-party plugin, and I'm having trouble adding it as a dependency in build.gradle. I'm able to add the dependency to plugin.xml, but I've been having lots of issues getting the sandbox to run with the plugin (currently, I have to launch the sandbox, download the plugin, and restart the sandbox, but the dependency is lost each time I edit my code and rebuild). I can navigate to the plugin's Jetbrains page, and I can download it using the plugin window in IntelliJ, but it will not cooperate with build.gradle. I can also navigate to the plugin's pom file, which makes me wonder if this is a repository issue.

The Gradle import error is shown below:

Could not find com.millennialmedia.intellibot.jar (com.jetbrains.plugins:com.millennialmedia.intellibot:
Searched in the following locations:

My build.gradle statement is shown below:

plugins = ["coverage", "com.millennialmedia.intellibot:"]

I've also been wondering if there's a way to browse the plugin repository similar to how the maven repository can be browsed (example). It would be very useful for issues like the one I'm facing. is useful, but there seems to be some disconnect between what we see there and the true state of the repository. 

Official comment

It works now. Thanks!

Sorry, it is known problem on plugins repository. A fix should be available shortly, will update topic accordingly.

Permanently deleted user

Ok, thanks


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