Impossible to run a single Karma test (it happened again in version 2019.1)
I can't run single Karma test in new version of Webstorm - 2019.1
I found out a post about the same for old version of webstorm
I've updated Webstorm not long ago and faced with that problem again. Is it regression or I have something wrong with my karma or Webstorm configuration? As I remember I could run single test on previous version of Webstorm, but now i can not. I've just made a little investigation and it led me to conclusion that this issue occurred because of same bug in karma-jasmine-html-reporter ( i made a try to remove that reporter from my karma.conf and everything worked perfect)
Please sign in to leave a comment. is fixed in 2019.1.1
Good! Thanks for fastest answer! Will update and try in next version