How to use Typescript JSX file template


edit: I am using IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.5 (Ultimate Edition), Build #IU-183.5912.21

In my settings -> file and code templates, I have a file template for Typescript JSX files. .tsx is also a registered file type.

I have created a project with the module type "React App".

Now in my src folder I would like to create a new .tsx file. But in the "New" Selection list there is only a normal Typescript file, not the Typescript JSX file.

I have searched in the forum for quite a bit and haven't found an answer. How do I make the Typescript JSX file template show up in "New"?

Thank you.


Please try New > TypeScript file and select Typescript JSX file from the kind: dropdown


Permanently deleted user

oh my, thank you.

I have looked at this dialog a million times and never considered opening the "Kind" select field.  *facepalm*


Happened to me as well


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