Debug-Edit-Save JS code in pycharm-django set up
Can you please suggest how do you guys debug, edit and save JS while running a django dev server in pychram.
For me the routine is somethig like this -
- Write\Edit JS code in Pychame
- Start dev server
- Open url in broswer
- Apply breakpoints in browser & debug
- Make suitable changes in JS code via PyCharm (Step 1)
- Repeat step 2 to 5
Though the process works, there is a great deal of back and forth that is involved.
I was wodering if there are any better\quicker ways to do this.
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You can debug javascript right in Pycharm... In the Django Server run configuration you use to start dev server, specify your application URL in a field next to Run browser, tick both Run browser and Start JavaScript debugger automatically checkboxes, run your configuration: