Exclude part of intellij-openapi dependencies
Can some of the intellij-community's dependencies be excluded?
E.g. I need to use sqlite-jdbc 3.27.2 in my plugin, but it's get overwritten by dependency of IdeaIC:2018.3 which is 3.21 version.
What should be changed in my build.gradle file?
My intellij section is:
intellij {
version '2018.3'
plugins 'git4idea'
pluginName 'yet-another-plugin'
downloadSources true
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Did you try adding
to dependencies section of your build.gradle?
Hi Yann!
Sure, it's added even with `force` flag:
If `compileClasspath` is changed to `compile` group, driver couldn't be found in classpath after running plugin from IDE with task `runIde`.
However, I still get driver from IdeaIC in runtime.
So, OK, this is solved somewhy when I rearranged my dependencies and placed sqlite-jdbc as a last entry. I don't know why, but it helped. \shrug