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Mardown plugin doesn't show preview
Permanently deleted user
Hey there,
as described above my WebStorm IDE doesn't show up the preview tab for markdown files anymore. This happens with any .md file. A current example, as provided below might look like this.
Sadly I didn't get enough help in here. However after playing around with different file endings (md, mkd, markdown) I've been able to solve the problem on my own. The problem was pretty simple. I just had the file name declared as a text file within the IDEs file types.
That said, I just had to remove from Settings | File Types | Text files.
Thanks for the reply. My issue has been resolved. I logged a support ticket after I remembered that I could do that, haha. Turns out the OpenJDK I'm using doesn't have JavaFX. So I switched to the bundled Jetbrains JDK, by removing the IDEA_JDK_64 environment variable, and it started working again.
Invoke Search Everywhere (press Shift twice) or Find Action (Ctrl+Shift+A or Cmd+Shift+A)
Type "choose runtime" and select the option which opens a dialog
Open the drop-down list and select the option with "IntelliJ" in it. For me, this was the top option in bold, which I assume indicates it is the one Jetbrains prefers.
I had the same problem. I'm using Idea 2020.3 on Windows 10.
I disabled Markdown in Settings->Editor->File Types (deleted the *.md pattern), did restart the IDE, and then re-enabled Markdown again. Now the preview is visible again. But for how long?
I have the same problem where the markdown preview very consistently stops rendering when ever I hover over anything long enough to have a tooltip appear. The preview window will render again when I resize IntelliJ and disappear again when mouse over any of ide functionality. This even happens when using the new Courses functionality.
I got the same thing, had to disable the markdown plugin to edit .md files. The displayed error was: "Tried to use preview panel provider (JavaFX WebView), but it is unavailable. Reverting to default.". That's on intellij community, I am on Linux and use few plugins.
I faced the similar issue recently. The fun part is, disabling the markdown plugin and restarting the IDE doesn't seem to be working in my case.
But if I typed something in the .md file, immediately the MarkDown view appeared back. Strange, but worked finally. Just posting here if in case someone faces similar issue..
Hi Elena, I've just updated my original post. Hope that's fine as well. If I should still create a new issue, let me know. Just wanted to prevent unnecessary spamming.
I don't have problems previewing your file... I can see some errors from Markdown Navigator plugin in the log - does the issue persist after disabling it?
It's actually not that similair, because I don't even have the possibility to click on a preview button on the right corner (as it usually was). It basically doesn't exist at all. See attached image below.
I've installed both plugins. Markdown Navigator as well as Markdown Support (by JetBrains). Yet none of both seem to work. I've disabled both. Restartet. Enabled Md Navigator -> Didn't work. So I disabled it, restarted again and enabled Md Support afterwards. Still nothing works.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.sun.webkit.WebPage at javafx.scene.web.WebEngine.<init>( at javafx.scene.web.WebEngine.<init>( at javafx.scene.web.WebView.<init>( at com.intellij.ui.javafx.JavaFxHtmlPanel.lambda$null$4( at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$null$5( at Method) at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$runLater$6( at$ at Method) at$null$10( at
I'm experiencing the same issue now. This has worked for a long time in the same project, but this week it's no longer showing the preview. Two significant things have happened this week, which might be contributing.
None of the solutions (changing the runtime via the Choose Runtime plugin) seem to change anything unfortunately. More assistance would be gladly appreciated. My setup is as follows:
PyCharm 2019.3.2 (Edu) Build #PE-193.6494.27, built on February 6, 2020 Runtime version: 11.0.5+10-b520.38 amd64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o Windows 10 10.0 GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep Memory: 990M Cores: 4 Registry: Non-Bundled Plugins: org.intellij.plugins.markdown, R4Intellij, com.alayouni.ansiHighlight, com.andrey4623.rainbowcsv, com.intellij.ideolog, com.jetbrains.ChooseRuntime, hunspell, mobi.hsz.idea.latex, net.seesharpsoft.intellij.plugins.csv, nl.rubensten.texifyidea
I also had same problem on Fedora Linux 21 + OpenJDK 8 + Idea without bundled JBR. Installation of Java FX solved the issue (dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk-openjfx).
I was plagued by this issue for some time, through multiple versions of IntelliJ and MacOS. Switching from Coretto 8 to built-in (jbsdk11b125_osx_x64/jdk, specifically) resolved it, finally!
Sadly I didn't get enough help in here. However after playing around with different file endings (md, mkd, markdown) I've been able to solve the problem on my own. The problem was pretty simple. I just had the file name declared as a text file within the IDEs file types.
That said, I just had to remove from Settings | File Types | Text files.
This one just helped out a lot: source
Thanks for the reply. My issue has been resolved. I logged a support ticket after I remembered that I could do that, haha. Turns out the OpenJDK I'm using doesn't have JavaFX. So I switched to the bundled Jetbrains JDK, by removing the IDEA_JDK_64 environment variable, and it started working again.
I had this issue using a Mac. As some said above, you can change the version of the JDK used by IntelliJ. This solved the problem for me.
For me, this was the top option in bold, which I assume indicates it is the one Jetbrains prefers.
After doing this, markdown file previews started working again.
This page was useful in figuring it out:
I had the same problem. I'm using Idea 2020.3 on Windows 10.
I disabled Markdown in Settings->Editor->File Types (deleted the *.md pattern), did restart the IDE, and then re-enabled Markdown again. Now the preview is visible again. But for how long?
I have the same problem where the markdown preview very consistently stops rendering when ever I hover over anything long enough to have a tooltip appear. The preview window will render again when I resize IntelliJ and disappear again when mouse over any of ide functionality. This even happens when using the new Courses functionality.
I got the same thing, had to disable the markdown plugin to edit .md files. The displayed error was: "Tried to use preview panel provider (JavaFX WebView), but it is unavailable. Reverting to default.". That's on intellij community, I am on Linux and use few plugins.
I had the same problem as Michael Faith. I'm on Linux using OpenJDK 13. Using the ChooseRuntime plugin to switch to OpenJDK 8 fixed the issue.
I faced the similar issue recently. The fun part is, disabling the markdown plugin and restarting the IDE doesn't seem to be working in my case.
But if I typed something in the .md file, immediately the MarkDown view appeared back. Strange, but worked finally. Just posting here if in case someone faces similar issue..
Ante Modrić and you're using the built-in Jetbrains JDK, or are you using OpenJDK?
Does it happen always? is the issue specific to certain
file? Please can you recreate the issue and provide your idea.log (
file that shows it up?Hi Elena, I've just updated my original post. Hope that's fine as well. If I should still create a new issue, let me know. Just wanted to prevent unnecessary spamming.
I don't have problems previewing your file... I can see some errors from Markdown Navigator plugin in the log - does the issue persist after disabling it?
The issue persists when re-enabling the plugin as well as restarting the IDE.
Similar issue is tracked at Looks like a JavaFX problem specific to certain environment
It's actually not that similair, because I don't even have the possibility to click on a preview button on the right corner (as it usually was). It basically doesn't exist at all. See attached image below.
Is Markdown Navigator plugin enabled? if yes, please disable it and restart the IDE
I've installed both plugins. Markdown Navigator as well as Markdown Support (by JetBrains). Yet none of both seem to work. I've disabled both. Restartet. Enabled Md Navigator -> Didn't work. So I disabled it, restarted again and enabled Md Support afterwards. Still nothing works.
Could you please attach idea.log after disabling all the 3rd party plugins? (.ignore (, ANSI Highlighter (1.2.4), Angular 2 TypeScript Live Templates (2.0.0), Angular Templates (1.1.3), Awesome Console (0.1337.6), Bootstrap 3 (4.1.1), Bootstrap 4, Font awesome 4, Font Awesome 5 Free & Pro live templates/snippets (6.1.0), CPU Usage Indicator (1.8), CamelCase (2.1.0), Dash (3.3), Git Scope (2.1.1), GitToolBox (191.1.2), HighlightBracketPair (1.1.2), Import Cost (, JSON Sorter (1.0.0-beta.3.2), JSON Viewer (0.3), Markdown Navigator (2.8.4), Material Theme UI (3.9.2), Mongo Plugin (0.12.0), NativeScript (0.14.0), Quokka (1.0.157), Rainbow Brackets (5.18), SonarLint (, String Manipulation (, Toml (
Excuse my late response. Due to vacation I didn't have the time to answer.
However, here's my new idea.log. Markdown is still not working.
sometime is because
at javafx.scene.web.WebEngine.<init>(
at javafx.scene.web.WebEngine.<init>(
at javafx.scene.web.WebView.<init>(
at com.intellij.ui.javafx.JavaFxHtmlPanel.lambda$null$4(
at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$null$5(
at Method)
at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$runLater$6(
at Method)
I'm experiencing the same issue now. This has worked for a long time in the same project, but this week it's no longer showing the preview. Two significant things have happened this week, which might be contributing.
1) Upgraded from 2019.2 to 2019.3
2) Upgraded Java from Oracle JDK 8 to OpenJDK 11
@..., Michael Faith could you please provide more details? Please share idea.log (Help - Show log in) and also a project sample for reproduce. If you want you can submit an issue on the tracker and attach the files with restricted visibility:
Michael Faith, good to know that, thank you for the update!
I have same problem in idea 2019.3, and I install plugin Choose Runtime, and I change different version of jdk, and it works well!
None of the solutions (changing the runtime via the Choose Runtime plugin) seem to change anything unfortunately. More assistance would be gladly appreciated. My setup is as follows:
PyCharm 2019.3.2 (Edu)
Build #PE-193.6494.27, built on February 6, 2020
Runtime version: 11.0.5+10-b520.38 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows 10 10.0
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 990M
Cores: 4
Non-Bundled Plugins: org.intellij.plugins.markdown, R4Intellij, com.alayouni.ansiHighlight, com.andrey4623.rainbowcsv, com.intellij.ideolog, com.jetbrains.ChooseRuntime, hunspell, mobi.hsz.idea.latex, net.seesharpsoft.intellij.plugins.csv, nl.rubensten.texifyidea
Same problem. The markdown viewer has stopped working.
Bold, italics, etc. do not preview, but only on our MacBook Pros (Catalina). Windows 10 is fine.
Same for me. I got while creating
Tried to use preview panel provider (JavaFX WebView), but it is unavailable. Reverting to default.
Ubuntu 19
IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-201.6668.121, built on April 8, 2020
I also had same problem on Fedora Linux 21 + OpenJDK 8 + Idea without bundled JBR. Installation of Java FX solved the issue (dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk-openjfx).
I was plagued by this issue for some time, through multiple versions of IntelliJ and MacOS. Switching from Coretto 8 to built-in (jbsdk11b125_osx_x64/jdk, specifically) resolved it, finally!