PyCharm issue with Anaconda
I have installed Anaconda 3.7 and last version of PyCharm Professional 2019.1.2
ass suggested in the Anaconda installer, Anaconda is available only for the current user,
so the installation folder is "%localappadata%\Continuum\anaconda3\pkgs\conda-4.6.11-py37_0\Scripts\conda.exe"
First issue: Anaconda is not added in the path, and PyCharm doesn't see it.
I had to do it manually to allow PyCharmto to communicate with anaconda and python installed by anaconda
Second issue: this is really annoying me
Adding an existing Conda environment PyCharm does not display installed packages in the selected environment
Third issue:
I can't create a Conda env from PyCharm,
Directory [user_dir]\.conda\test\bin\python not found
Am I missing something, what could be the issue?
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>Adding an existing Conda environment PyCharm does not display installed packages in the selected environment
What happens if you hit "Apply" button? PyCharm should offer to install packaging tool, does it happen?
>I can't create a Conda env from PyCharm,
Please provide more detailed steps to reproduce.
I have the same problem. I followed the instructions to use a conda environment as the interpreter. But when running a program, it throws errors as if it is running in a different environment. In my case, it appears to think the environment is python 2.7! Here is a screen shot. As you can see the thrown error is accessing anaconda3/envs/untitled/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ The error is that it cannot import "tables".
But the interpreter is anaconda3/envs/mypython3/bin/python, and when I open a python terminal and try to import "tables", there is no error.
So I have the same problem on a different pc, this is what I do to create a conda env from py charm
Setting an existing anaconda environment pyCharm propose me to install packaging tools
After the installation PyCharm display "Nothing to show"
Hi, you are suffering from PyCharm can't correctly work with Anaconda when the installation differs from C:\Users\<USER>\Anaconda, in your case there's an extra pkgs\conda-4.6.11-py37_0. We are currently working on the fix, I hope it will be available in the next minor update.
This problem still seems to exist in February 2020.
@Lawrence Sinclair
Please file an issue to our issue tracker providing screenshots showing the issue
We'll investigate.
I have the same issue as @.... I just tested with another text editor and it works.