Change colors for Oh-my-zsh in PHPStorm terminal
Hi All.
I've installed Oh-my-zsh and it changed colors in the terminal to some strange palette which is different from the one I have in the iTerm2.
How can I change the colors used for the PHPStorm terminal?
Bellow, you can find the screenshots from iTerm2
And here is the screenshot from PHPStorm
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Unfortunately, there's no solution at the moment. Please vote:
I've found the solution:
Oh well. Even though it's not a 'proper' solution, it is a solution. I should've suggested that, thank you for sharing.
I am finding this thread in August 2020 and face a similar issue. The youtrack link seems broken, is there still an open issue for this?
Checked the YouTrack link, the ticket is still there but has limited visibility options (not sure why exactly, seems like there is no personal data attached).
Anyway, it is not fixed yet, sorry.
+1 for this issue and the YouTrack link is unavailable.
I've adjusted the visibility of the YT link.