creating a java package and adding java files in new project wizard in plugin code
HI JB team,
I've added a new project type by extending JavaModuleType and JavaModuleBuilder and I'm able to create a new java project.
I'm accepting from the user a directory in wizard step and I want to add java files in that directory to the new project that's being created. Also, I want to create a package and put java files in that.
How can I add support for creating a java package and adding java files in new project wizard?
Also, how can I add jars to the classpath of the project in the wizard process?
Thanks in advance.
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can anyone from JB team comment on this?
See org.jetbrains.idea.devkit.module.PluginModuleBuilder#setupRootModel in Plugin Devkit as sample for generating files/modifying the blank project.
Libraries can be added via passed in ModifiableRootModel