Issues building IDEA

Alright, I must be doing something stupid.


I'm using Arch with Open JDK 1.8.

I have followed both of the following instructions perfectly (minus JDK 1.6 -- see below):



  • Checked out master at
  • Ran
  • Opened the project with IDEA community 19.1.3
  • Setup the "1.8" and "IDEA jdk" SDKs with tools.jar in Project Structure per the instructions *using JDK 1.8 for 'IDEA jdk' as the file says that is OK*
  • The 'Maven 2 Integration', 'Groovy' and 'UI Designer' plugins are all installed and enabled.
  • Build

At first I get errors like the following:

Error:(7, 28) java: package com.sun.javafx.embed does not exist
Error:(8, 25) java: package does not exist
Error:(9, 26) java: package javafx.application does not exist

I then added Settings -> Appearance and Behavior -> Path Variables -> MAVEN_REPOSITORY ... </my/home>/.m2/repository

Then trying to rebuild I see errors like:

Warning:Kotlin: Classpath entry points to a non-existent location: $MAVEN_REPOSITORY$/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8/1.3.31/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8-1.3.31.jar

Error:(23, 23) Kotlin: Cannot access built-in declaration 'kotlin.Double'. Ensure that you have a dependency on the Kotlin standard library
Error:(25, 26) Kotlin: Unresolved reference: Pair
Error:(25, 31) Kotlin: Cannot access built-in declaration 'kotlin.String'. Ensure that you have a dependency on the Kotlin standard library
Error:(25, 39) Kotlin: Cannot access built-in declaration 'kotlin.String'. Ensure that you have a dependency on the Kotlin standard library

I've tried removing the MAVEN_REPOSITORY entry but it always comes back after restarting IDEA.

Inside my ~/.IdeaIC2019.1/config/options/path.macros.xml file I see two entries:

<macro name="KOTLIN_BUNDLED" value="/home/mkd/.IdeaIC2019.1/config/plugins/Kotlin/kotlinc" />
<macro name="MAVEN_REPOSITORY" value="/home/mkd/.m2/repository" />

If I remove the MAVEN_REPOSITORY entry and re-launch IDEA and go back to Settings -> Appearance and Behavior -> Path Variables, MAVEN_REPOSITORY is back (in the Settings UI)! At this point reading path.macros.xml again only shows KOTLIN_BUNDLED, but after hitting "OK" in Settings MAVEN_REPOSITORY is back in path.macros.xml too!


Also note that I do see a number of things in my ~/.m2/repositories directory, including things at org/jetbrains, and things at com/sun/ but nothing, for example, in com/sun/javafx


Update: Tried with Oracle JDK 1.6 & 1.8, as well as trying in a Debian 9 VM and run into the same problem.


What is the exact version of Oracle JDK 1.8 you tried?


Could you please file an issue here and attach all build output, exact IDE version (About menu) and exact specification of JDK you used? Thanks.


Issue created (IDEA-218221)


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