Trouble with scroll of tabs


My tabs, in IDE, configured for render in one row. I can scroll the Editor Tabs with mouse wheel, as I do it in the browsers (ex. Firefox, Chrome).
But IDE doesn't allow to scroll for current tab disappear from view. Scrolling doesn't work when current tab take extreme position: cannot scroll to left when current tab is rightmost, and cannot scroll to right when current tab is leftmost.
For resuming scroll I must select tab, that haven't placed on edge in current-time. It is so sad. It takes more actions for scroll in IntelliJ IDEA, when tabs scroll is a more simple in another software.

Can I disable this behaviour? What setting if possible?


Hi. This problem was fixed in 2019.2 (


Six years I was in agony..... it just god's wonderful )))
Thank's for help!


I'm still have this issue, can't verical scroll the tabs.

PhpStorm 2019.2
macOS 10.13.6


Works fine for me. How many tabs do you have opened? Please provide idea.log file after IDE restart and small screencast or screenshots showing the steps and screenshot of Preferences | Editor | General | Editor Tabs.


Scroll works now. Possible use horizontal scroll to move tabs?


Horizontal trackpad scroll to scroll tabs left/right is working as well for me.

If it does not work for you please specify your environment: OS, IDE version, mouse/trackpad. Does horizontal scroll work anywhere else in IDE?


I'm on OSX 10.13.6

IDE PhpStorm 2019.2 Build #PS-192.5728.108, built on July 24, 2019

I tried follow devices:

  • apple magic mouse
  • trackpad macbook pro 2011
  • magic trackpad

on all of them horizontal scrolling on tabs not working.

But horizontal scrolling working nice inside another ui elements: code editor, console, tree views...




Here are the issues with trackpad magic mouse we have logged:

If you see a different issue, please file it in YouTrack with idea.log (Help | Show Log in ... action) file attached after IDE restart and screenshot or a small screencast showing the problem.

Try also running IDE under 1.8 JBR: you can download it from and switch to it using switch boot jdk action.

Permanently deleted user

Hi, I've similar issue, I'm using tabs to be visible vertically on the right side and despite that there are a lot more files open I'm not able to scroll down the list:


It looks like Please follow the YouTrack ticket for updates. See if you are not familiar with YouTrack.


I'd like to add a request to this topic. 

The scrolling is indeed needed, but not really that useful right now since the scroll speed is really slow.

With turning the scroll wheel where I scroll a full screen in my browser, in PyCharm I can not even scroll to the next visible tab when it has a short name. For me at least the scroll speed needs to be 10x to be at least somewhat usable.

I cannot be the only one with that issue?


Permanently deleted user


Sorry for the inconvenience.

Please, upvote


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