Adding new run configuration template
I would like to add a couple of new templates to the Run/Debug Configurations section in IntelliJ.
I have been exploring the IntelliJ Community source code and identified the com.intellij.execution.configurations.ConfigurationType interface as common to all elements in the list of run configurations that are showing up in the UI when I click Run->Edit Configurations. However It isn't clear how to add new templates to the list. Please can you advise if/how that can be done and give any guidance on how to do it? For example, is it simply a matter of implementing a class that implements ConfigurationType and including it in a plugin (I tried this and it didn't appear to work)?
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If you're not using gradle, perhaps the following will give you some hints. If you are, it can be done in the build.gradle file like this:
Gradle plug-in sources are at
Please explain what "add new templates to the list" exactly means? Screenshot?
Hi Eric / Yann,
Thanks for the advice about using gradle scripting to generate new run configurations. However it wasn't exactly what I was looking for.
What I mean is how can we add new entries to the list shown here, for example by using a plugin?
Please check docs here or link to your code.
Brilliant, thanks Yann, that gives me lots to work on.
Many thanks,
Related to this: I have edited the template of an existing configuration created by the author of the plugin called TeXify. I am hoping, without Java, to ensure that when I create a new project, the configuration template for LaTeX will be exactly as below.
Stuart Sa Yes, that should work