The Dreaded "No files or folders found to process"
Hello all,
I am a little newer to using an IDE, typically I'm more of a notepad guy.
So far PHPStorm has been fantastic...... until I updated it this morning.
currently, I'm running the following version:
PhpStorm 2019.2
Build #PS-192.5728.108, built on July 24, 2019
Licensed to ##################### REDACTED ###########################
Subscription is active until August 12, 2019
Runtime version: 11.0.3+12-b304.10 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows 10 10.0
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 1979M
Cores: 12
Registry: run.processes.with.pty=TRUE
Non-Bundled Plugins: Statistic, String Manipulation, com.daylerees.rainglow, com.wakatime.intellij.plugin, de.netnexus.camelcaseplugin, net.seesharpsoft.intellij.plugins.csv, com.kalessil.phpStorm.phpInspectionsEA, de.espend.idea.php.annotation, net.king2500.plugins.PhpAdvancedAutoComplete, izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets, some.awesome
I ran an update that came up when I started the IDE this morning, and the following commit I ran resulted in nothing being uploaded via sftp, and the message "No Files or Folders fount to process"
I tried switching the remote host to my backup server, it resulted in the same error
However, if I goto Project, right-click on the project folder, choose deployment -> upload to ([the server name] aka '171' in my case)
it works fine, and I can continue to test.
But it refuses to do it on a commit, I must manually choose the 'upload to server' deployment option, or I get stuck with a GitHub that is up to date, but a server that is not.
I tried sifting around to see if I can figure it out on my own, reading various posts, enabling the deployment error logging features, looked through them, but it seems that there are no errors being reported.
Find the log file below
####################################### Begin Log File
2019-08-01 13:09:46,857 [ 0] INFO - #com.intellij.idea.Main - ------------------------------------------------------ IDE STARTED ------------------------------------------------------
2019-08-01 13:09:46,873 [ 16] INFO - #com.intellij.idea.Main - IDE: PhpStorm (build #PS-192.5728.108, 24 Jul 2019 08:17)
2019-08-01 13:09:46,875 [ 18] INFO - #com.intellij.idea.Main - OS: Windows 10 (10.0, amd64)
2019-08-01 13:09:46,875 [ 18] INFO - #com.intellij.idea.Main - JRE: 11.0.3+12-b304.10 (JetBrains s.r.o)
2019-08-01 13:09:46,875 [ 18] INFO - #com.intellij.idea.Main - JVM: 11.0.3+12-b304.10 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM)
2019-08-01 13:09:46,876 [ 19] INFO - #com.intellij.idea.Main - JVM Args: exit -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=50 -ea -Djdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes="" -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Djb.vmOptionsFile=C:\Users\fubar\.PhpStorm2019.2\config\phpstorm64.exe.vmoptions -Djava.library.path=C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PhpStorm 2019.1.3\jbr\\bin;C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PhpStorm 2019.1.3\jbr\\bin\server -Didea.platform.prefix=PhpStorm -Dide.native.launcher=true -Didea.paths.selector=PhpStorm2019.2 -XX:ErrorFile=C:\Users\fubar\java_error_in_phpstorm_%p.log -XX:HeapDumpPath=C:\Users\fubar\java_error_in_phpstorm.hprof
2019-08-01 13:09:46,884 [ 27] INFO - #com.intellij.idea.Main - charsets: JNU=Cp1252 file=Cp1252
2019-08-01 13:09:46,902 [ 45] INFO - #com.intellij.idea.Main - JNA library (64-bit) loaded in 36 ms
2019-08-01 13:09:46,905 [ 48] INFO - - Native filesystem for Windows is operational
2019-08-01 13:09:52,138 [ 5281] INFO - tellij.diagnostic.LoadingPhase - Reached SPLASH loading phase
2019-08-01 13:09:52,142 [ 5285] INFO - plication.impl.ApplicationImpl - CPU cores: 12; ForkJoinPool.commonPool: java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool@682605a1[Running, parallelism = 11, size = 0, active = 0, running = 0, steals = 0, tasks = 0, submissions = 0]; factory: com.intellij.concurrency.IdeaForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory@4ddef3cd
2019-08-01 13:09:52,317 [ 5460] INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Plugin 'Configuration Script' can't be loaded because: Plugin does not include any module dependency tags in its plugin.xml therefore is assumed legacy and can be loaded only in IntelliJ IDEA
2019-08-01 13:09:52,387 [ 5530] INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Loaded bundled plugins: ASP (192.5728.108), Angular and AngularJS (192.5728.108), Apache config (.htaccess) (192.5728.108), Behat Support (192.5728.108), Blade (192.5728.108), CSS (192.5728.108), ChangeReminder (192.5728.108), Codeception Framework (192.5728.108), CoffeeScript (192.5728.108), Command Line Tool Support (192.5728.108), Copyright (192.5728.108), DQL Support (192.5728.108), Database Tools and SQL (192.5728.108), Docker (192.5728.108), Drupal Support (192.5728.108), EditorConfig (192.5728.108), File Watchers (192.5728.108), GNU GetText files support (*.po) (192.5728.108), Gherkin (192.5728.108), Git (192.5728.108), GitHub (192.5728.108), HTML Tools (192.5728.108), HTTP Client (192.5728.108), Haml (192.5728.108), Hunspell (192.5728.108), IDE Settings Sync (192.5728.108), IDEA CORE (192.5728.108), Ini (192.5728.108), IntelliLang (192.5728.108), JavaScript Debugger (192.5728.108), JavaScript Intention Power Pack (192.5728.108), JavaScript and TypeScript (192.5728.108), Joomla! Support (192.5728.108), Less (192.5728.108), Markdown (192.5728.108), Mercurial (192.5728.108), NodeJS (192.5728.108), PHP (192.5728.108), PHP Docker (192.5728.108), PHP Remote Interpreter (192.5728.108), PHPSpec BDD Framework (192.5728.108), PHPT Support (192.5728.108), Perforce (192.5728.108), Performance Testing (192.5728.108), Phing (192.5728.108), PhpStorm Workshop (192.5728.108), ReStructuredText Support (192.5728.108), Refactor-X (192.5728.108), Remote Hosts Access (192.5728.108), SSH Remote Run (192.5728.108), Sass (192.5728.108), Settings Repository (192.5728.108), Shell Script (192.5728.108), Subversion (192.5728.108), Task Management (192.5728.108), Terminal (192.5728.108), TextMate bundles (192.5728.108), Time Tracking (192.5728.108), Twig Support (192.5728.108), UML (192.5728.108), Vagrant (192.5728.108), Vue.js (192.5728.108), W3C Validators (192.5728.108), WordPress Support (192.5728.108), XPathView + XSLT (192.5728.108), YAML (192.5728.108), tslint (192.5728.108)
2019-08-01 13:09:52,387 [ 5530] INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Loaded custom plugins: CSV Plugin (2.6.1), CamelCase (3.0.1), Nyan Progress Bar (1.13), PHP Advanced AutoComplete (1.1.0), PHP Annotations (6.1), Php Inspections (EA Extended) (, Rainbow Brackets (5.21), Rainglow Color Schemes (1.5.2), Statistic (3.5), String Manipulation (, WakaTime (9.3.2)
2019-08-01 13:09:52,387 [ 5530] INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Disabled plugins: Configuration Script (192.5728.108)
2019-08-01 13:09:52,544 [ 5687] INFO - cloudConfig.CloudConfigManager - === Start: JBA_NOT_CONNECTED ===
2019-08-01 13:09:52,575 [ 5718] INFO - tellij.diagnostic.LoadingPhase - Reached CONFIGURATION_STORE_INITIALIZED loading phase
2019-08-01 13:09:52,685 [ 5828] INFO - - lower=100; upper=500; buffer=10; max=1959
2019-08-01 13:09:52,722 [ 5865] INFO - pl.local.NativeFileWatcherImpl - Starting file watcher: C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PhpStorm 2019.1.3\bin\fsnotifier64.exe
2019-08-01 13:09:52,741 [ 5884] INFO - pl.local.NativeFileWatcherImpl - Native file watcher is operational.
2019-08-01 13:09:53,321 [ 6464] INFO - - Default SSL context initialized
2019-08-01 13:09:53,328 [ 6471] INFO - lij.diagnostic.DebugLogManager - Set DEBUG for the following categories: #com.jetbrains.plugins.webDeployment
2019-08-01 13:09:53,336 [ 6479] INFO - rains.ide.BuiltInServerManager - built-in server started, port 63342
2019-08-01 13:09:53,417 [ 6560] INFO - .StatisticApplicationComponent - Plugin 'StatisticApplicationComponent' has been activated.
2019-08-01 13:09:53,440 [ 6583] INFO - il.indexing.FileBasedIndexImpl - File index extensions iterated:55
2019-08-01 13:09:53,441 [ 6584] INFO - ngmanip.MyApplicationComponent - Registering Switch case (camelCase, kebab-case, KEBAB-UPPERCASE, snake_case, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE,, words lowercase, First word capitalized, Words Capitalized, PascalCase) id:StringManipulation.SwitchStyleAction
2019-08-01 13:09:53,441 [ 6584] INFO - WakaTime - Initializing WakaTime plugin v9.3.2 (
2019-08-01 13:09:53,520 [ 6663] INFO - ndex.PrebuiltIndexProviderBase - Using prebuilt id-index from C:\Users\fubar\.PhpStorm2019.2\system\index\.persistent\prebuilt\PHP\id-index.input
2019-08-01 13:09:53,771 [ 6914] INFO - pl$FileIndexDataInitialization - Initialization done:386
2019-08-01 13:09:53,779 [ 6922] INFO - WakaTime - Finished initializing WakaTime plugin
2019-08-01 13:09:53,819 [ 6962] INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=13, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=13, fontScale=1.0
2019-08-01 13:09:53,846 [ 6989] WARN - s.impl.EditorColorsManagerImpl - Cannot find scheme: VibrantInk from plugin: com.intellij.database
2019-08-01 13:09:53,846 [ 6989] WARN - s.impl.EditorColorsManagerImpl - Cannot find scheme: WarmNeon from plugin: com.intellij.database
2019-08-01 13:09:53,846 [ 6989] WARN - s.impl.EditorColorsManagerImpl - Cannot find scheme: High ?ontrast from plugin: com.intellij.database
2019-08-01 13:09:53,896 [ 7039] INFO - exImpl$StubIndexInitialization - Initialization done:125
2019-08-01 13:09:53,906 [ 7049] INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0
2019-08-01 13:09:53,916 [ 7059] INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0
2019-08-01 13:09:54,050 [ 7193] INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0
2019-08-01 13:09:54,058 [ 7201] INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0
2019-08-01 13:09:54,058 [ 7201] INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0
2019-08-01 13:09:54,063 [ 7206] INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0
2019-08-01 13:09:54,285 [ 7428] INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0
2019-08-01 13:09:54,289 [ 7432] INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0
2019-08-01 13:09:54,289 [ 7432] INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0
2019-08-01 13:09:54,294 [ 7437] INFO - WakaTime - wakatime-cli is up to date.
2019-08-01 13:09:54,295 [ 7438] INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0
############################### This Line ::
###2019-08-01 13:09:54,295 [ 7438] INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0
############################## Appears many times, and I assume is part of some settings loading portion of the program
############################## I have deleted the bulk of them to make this log more readable.
2019-08-01 13:09:55,213 [ 8356] INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0
2019-08-01 13:09:55,213 [ 8356] INFO - com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings - Loaded: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0; restored: fontSize=12, fontScale=1.0
2019-08-01 13:09:55,295 [ 8438] INFO - j.ide.ui.OptionsTopHitProvider - 12 ms spent to cache options in application
2019-08-01 13:09:55,344 [ 8487] INFO - tellij.diagnostic.LoadingPhase - Reached FRAME_SHOWN loading phase
2019-08-01 13:09:56,315 [ 9458] INFO - pl.projectlevelman.NewMappings - VCS Root: [Git] - [C:/Users/fubar/PhpstormProjects/CMDS TOOL]
2019-08-01 13:09:56,675 [ 9818] INFO - ctic.StatisticProjectComponent - Plugin 'StatisticProjectComponent' has been activated for project=CMDS TOOL
2019-08-01 13:09:56,898 [ 10041] INFO - j.ide.script.IdeStartupScripts - 0 startup script(s) found
2019-08-01 13:09:57,069 [ 10212] INFO - rojectCodeStyleSettingsManager - Initialized from default code style settings.
2019-08-01 13:09:57,598 [ 10741] INFO - PerformancePlugin - Performance Plugin is in silent mode
2019-08-01 13:09:58,067 [ 11210] INFO - llij.database.util.SqlDialects - SQL dialects initialized in 13 ms
2019-08-01 13:09:58,192 [ 11335] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Pushing properties took 248ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2019-08-01 13:09:59,256 [ 12399] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Indexable file iteration took 1061ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2019-08-01 13:09:59,257 [ 12400] INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Unindexed files update started: 4 files to update
2019-08-01 13:09:59,570 [ 12713] INFO - ndex.PrebuiltIndexProviderBase - Using prebuilt sdk-stubs from C:\Users\fubar\.PhpStorm2019.2\system\index\.persistent\prebuilt\PHP\sdk-stubs.input
2019-08-01 13:10:00,047 [ 13190] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Unindexed files update took 790ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: 1/2 sluggish, 1/2 very slow
2019-08-01 13:10:00,148 [ 13291] INFO - tellij.xml.Html5SchemaProvider - CHARS_DTD_LOCATION = com.intellij.openapi.util.AtomicNotNullLazyValue$1@73067fa9
2019-08-01 13:10:01,723 [ 14866] INFO - ge.ExternalProjectsDataStorage - Load external projects data in 3 millis (read time: 2)
2019-08-01 13:10:01,800 [ 14943] INFO - j.ide.ui.OptionsTopHitProvider - 476 ms spent to cache options in project
2019-08-01 13:10:01,804 [ 14947] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Post-startup activities under progress took 3985ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: 2/4 sluggish, 1/4 very slow
2019-08-01 13:10:02,086 [ 15229] INFO - cloudConfig.CloudConfigManager - === Start.updateInitStatus ===
2019-08-01 13:10:02,090 [ 15233] INFO - cloudConfig.CloudConfigManager - === StatusBar.update create ===
2019-08-01 13:10:02,091 [ 15234] INFO - cloudConfig.CloudConfigManager - === calculateInitStatus ===
2019-08-01 13:10:02,515 [ 15658] INFO - .cloudConfig.CloudConfigClient - === Get cloud config URL: ===
2019-08-01 13:10:02,526 [ 15669] INFO - cloudConfig.CloudConfigManager - === StatusBar.start another widget: com.intellij.cloudConfig.StatusBarInfoManager$InfoComponent@40fd3534 ===
2019-08-01 13:10:02,566 [ 15709] INFO - tartup.impl.StartupManagerImpl - C:/Users/fubar/PhpstormProjects/CMDS TOOL/.idea case-sensitivity: expected=false actual=false
2019-08-01 13:10:02,583 [ 15726] INFO - tellij.diagnostic.LoadingPhase - Reached INDEXING_FINISHED loading phase
2019-08-01 13:10:02,592 [ 15735] INFO - #git4idea.commands.GitHandler - [.] git version
2019-08-01 13:10:02,661 [ 15804] INFO - #git4idea.commands.GitHandler - git version
2019-08-01 13:10:02,682 [ 15825] INFO - ea.config.GitExecutableManager - Git version for C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe : 2.22.0
2019-08-01 13:10:02,848 [ 15991] INFO - Json.PackageJsonUpdateNotifier - processPackageJsonFiles []
2019-08-01 13:10:03,112 [ 16255] INFO - cloudConfig.CloudConfigManager - === calculateInitStatus.value: JBA_NOT_CONNECTED ===
2019-08-01 13:10:04,219 [ 17362] INFO - pl.ProjectRootManagerComponent - project roots have changed
2019-08-01 13:10:04,321 [ 17464] INFO - tor.impl.FileEditorManagerImpl - Project opening took 8421 ms
2019-08-01 13:10:04,995 [ 18138] INFO - cloudConfig.CloudConfigManager - === End.updateInitStatus ===
2019-08-01 13:10:05,122 [ 18265] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Pushing properties took 10ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2019-08-01 13:10:05,264 [ 18407] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Indexable file iteration took 142ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2019-08-01 13:10:05,264 [ 18407] INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Unindexed files update started: 4 files to update
2019-08-01 13:10:05,506 [ 18649] INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Unindexed files update took 242ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: 1/1 sluggish
2019-08-01 13:10:08,110 [ 21253] INFO - tellij.xml.Html5SchemaProvider - HTML5_SCHEMA_LOCATION = com.intellij.openapi.util.AtomicNotNullLazyValue$1@73067fa9
2019-08-01 13:10:11,779 [ 24922] INFO - ings.impl.UpdateCheckerService - channel: release
2019-08-01 13:10:33,699 [ 46842] WARN - ess.util.ProgressIndicatorBase - This progress indicator is indeterminate, this may lead to visual inconsistency. Please call setIndeterminate(false) before you start progress.
2019-08-01 13:10:36,472 [ 49615] INFO - #git4idea.commands.GitHandler - [CMDS TOOL] git -c core.quotepath=false -c log.showSignature=false add --ignore-errors -A -f -- .idea/workspace.xml CmdsClassLibrary.php .idea/deployment.xml
2019-08-01 13:10:36,562 [ 49705] INFO - #git4idea.commands.GitHandler - [CMDS TOOL] git -c core.quotepath=false -c log.showSignature=false commit -F C:\Users\fubar\AppData\Local\Temp\git-commit-msg-.txt --
2019-08-01 13:10:36,656 [ 49799] INFO - #git4idea.commands.GitHandler - [master d39f312] PHPStorm is broken all the sudden after an update, not cool
2019-08-01 13:10:36,656 [ 49799] INFO - #git4idea.commands.GitHandler - 3 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
2019-08-01 13:10:37,038 [ 50181] INFO - s.webDeployment.PublishUtils$1 - Using "C:\Users\fubar\AppData\Local\Temp\vfs_cache" as temporary files store.
2019-08-01 13:10:37,081 [ 50224] DEBUG - t.connections.RemoteConnection - Opening connection to sftp:// in @6c92ca6a
2019-08-01 13:10:37,255 [ 50398] INFO - port.random.BouncyCastleRandom - Generating random seed from SecureRandom.
2019-08-01 13:10:37,381 [ 50524] INFO - z.sshj.transport.TransportImpl - Client identity string: SSH-2.0-SSHJ_0.27.0
2019-08-01 13:10:37,388 [ 50531] INFO - z.sshj.transport.TransportImpl - Server identity string: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.6p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.3
2019-08-01 13:10:38,300 [ 51443] INFO - - Will request `sftp` subsystem
2019-08-01 13:10:38,533 [ 51676] DEBUG - t.connections.RemoteConnection - Added connection to pool ofsftp:// in @6c92ca6a; 1 connections exists
2019-08-01 13:10:38,538 [ 51681] DEBUG - t.connections.RemoteConnection - Releasing one of the connections to sftp:// in @6c92ca6a; connections left 0
2019-08-01 13:10:43,140 [ 56283] INFO - mponents.impl.stores.StoreUtil - saveProjectsAndApp took 122 ms
################################################################################################################## EOF
I am stumped, I am assuming this must be an actual bug and not a configuration issue?
But I am not familiar enough with this program to make that claim.
However, keep in mind everything has worked perfectly for the last month or so and broke only after running an update that came up upon starting the IDE.
Also, everything else seems to be working fine.
Please sign in to leave a comment.
This issue is not present in 2019.1.3
If you're desperate for this functionality, consider downgrading and wait until new version is released (EAP build will be available before that at some point, watch PhpStorm blog for updates).
Please create the ticket instead, this snippet doesn't have all the required information, we need the whole logs bundle (which would contain your deployment configuration settings as well).
Hi there, -- fix will be available in next minor version (2019.2.1)
ah ok, I must of misunderstood how to read this bug page (I am also unfamiliar with these, sadly :( )
I saw that status said "fixed" and I was under the impression that this bug, as a result, cannot be related to my problem:
As my version of phpstorm is the most up to date and surely more up to date then the date of the status update to 'Fixed' on that particular bug.
Thank you for clarifying though as I must clearly be mistaken.
Is it a safe move to: downgrade to a previous version in the meantime?
I assume this issue will go away if I downgrade a version or two?
Thank you for the information and assistance, it saved me stressing over the issue all-day
Many thanks and props to you sir!
Just to finalize this.
For anyone who needs to resolve this same issue with a bug stopping you from uploading files to your server.
Get the JetBrains TOOLBOX, it is an installer for what seems like everything that JetBrains has to offer.
This tool will let you easily rollback.
I have one lined the instructions below, to make it easy for people searching this subject.
Just install it.
Open it.
You will get a window with two tabs, one say's "Projects", the other says 'Tools'
Choose Tools if needed.
Scroll down to the bottom of the list, it will list PHPStorm twice, at the beginning and the end, so make sure to scroll all the way down.
There it say's "Install other version", click it.
a box will come up with a list of versions
Choose the previous version (aka the option below the first one). In my particular case, it is 2019.1.3.
Install it
Get back in and test it out, it should work if your issue is indeed due to a bug and not a configuration issue like it was in my case.
SAME problem here after updating to 2020.1 on Friday.
Also verified the same issue still exists in 2020.1.1 Preview.
Please help!
I was successfully able to connect and download from a different server, so the issue is clearly on my end. I have tried deleting and recreating the SFTP Web Server and SSH Configuration with no success.
Here is what happens in my error log when I attempt Deployment->Download from My Server:
2020-04-28 05:51:33,180 [39107460] WARN - .AbstractProgressIndicatorBase - This progress indicator is indeterminate, this may lead to visual inconsistency. Please call setIndeterminate(false) before you start progress.
2020-04-28 05:51:33,182 [39107462] DEBUG - t.connections.RemoteConnection - Opening connection to s in @2e77929a
2020-04-28 05:51:33,183 [39107463] DEBUG - ntellij.ssh.impl.SshConnection - Failed to create SSH channel using existing SSH sessions, creating new SSH session
2020-04-28 05:51:33,183 [39107463] DEBUG - ntellij.ssh.impl.SshConnection - Establishing new SSH session to
2020-04-28 05:51:33,194 [39107474] INFO - port.random.BouncyCastleRandom - Generating random seed from SecureRandom.
2020-04-28 05:51:33,458 [39107738] INFO - z.sshj.transport.TransportImpl - Client identity string: SSH-2.0-SSHJ_0.27.0
2020-04-28 05:51:33,483 [39107763] INFO - z.sshj.transport.TransportImpl - Server identity string: SSH-2.0-Pantheon-SSH
2020-04-28 05:51:35,439 [39109719] INFO - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - Authentication log: SSH connection to
* With preferred authentications: publickey,keyboard-interactive,password
* With signature factories: ssh-rsa, ssh-dss, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, ecdsa-sha2-nistp521, ssh-ed25519
* With keep alive interval 300 seconds
* With keep alive count max 1000
* With OpenSSH-like host key verifier (knownHostsFile=[C:\Users\Sergio\.ssh\known_hosts], strictHostKeyChecking=ASK, hashKnownHosts=false)
* With predefined password
* With authentications allowed by the client: password, keyboard-interactive
* With connect timeout 10000 milliseconds
* Connected
=> none (failure, new auth methods allowed by the server: password, publickey)
=> password (success)
2020-04-28 05:51:35,439 [39109719] DEBUG - ntellij.ssh.impl.SshConnection - SSH session @643f03cc established to
2020-04-28 05:51:35,439 [39109719] DEBUG - ellij.ssh.SshConnectionService - Creating sftp channel within SshjSshConnection(<crc32=1m9aysu>@<crc32=13i023u>)@643f03cc
2020-04-28 05:51:35,465 [39109745] INFO - - Will request `sftp` subsystem
2020-04-28 05:51:35,530 [39109810] DEBUG - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - Called sftp.lstat(/srv/bindings/f8ccda18c21d48e5bb6e57c079c04d44/) in 21.24 ms (ok)
2020-04-28 05:51:35,530 [39109810] DEBUG - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - Fetched and cached permissions of /srv/bindings/f8ccda18c21d48e5bb6e57c079c04d44/: [size=4096;uid=11421,gid=1031;mode=[mask=40750];atime=1584869281,mtime=1588045748;]
2020-04-28 05:51:35,619 [39109899] DEBUG - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - Called SshjRemoteFileObject@7b0024f7(path /srv/bindings/f8ccda18c21d48e5bb6e57c079c04d44/, owned by Channel@89646ba id 0, remote id 0 for SshjSshConnection(<crc32=1m9aysu>@<crc32=13i023u>)@643f03cc) in 89.48 ms (ok)
2020-04-28 05:51:35,620 [39109900] DEBUG - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - list() results:
.bash_logout [size=18;uid=11421,gid=11421;mode=[mask=100644];atime=1584830076,mtime=1452510153;]
php.ini [size=3191;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=100644];atime=1584869430,mtime=1584869430;]
.mozilla [size=4096;uid=11421,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40755];atime=1584809182,mtime=1528928144;]
stunnel [size=4096;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40750];atime=1584869282,mtime=1584869282;]
php [size=20;uid=0,gid=0;mode=[mask=120777];atime=1584869430,mtime=1584869430;]
lock [size=4096;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40770];atime=1584869281,mtime=1584869281;]
chef.stamp [size=42;uid=0,gid=0;mode=[mask=100644];atime=1588045748,mtime=1588045748;]
.zshrc [size=658;uid=11421,gid=11421;mode=[mask=100644];atime=1584830050,mtime=1451046353;]
.pantheonssh_login [size=0;uid=0,gid=0;mode=[mask=100640];atime=1585003900,mtime=1588071083;]
.bashrc [size=546;uid=0,gid=0;mode=[mask=100644];atime=1584869430,mtime=1584869430;]
htpasswd [size=15;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=100640];atime=1584869430,mtime=1584869430;]
certs [size=4096;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40750];atime=1584869281,mtime=1584869282;]
run [size=4096;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40770];atime=1584869282,mtime=1588011784;]
.pki [size=4096;uid=11421,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40740];atime=1584869695,mtime=1584869695;]
bin [size=4096;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40750];atime=1584869282,mtime=1584869430;]
cache [size=4096;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40770];atime=1584869428,mtime=1584871628;]
fusedav.conf [size=571;uid=0,gid=0;mode=[mask=100644];atime=1584869428,mtime=1584869428;]
php-fpm.conf [size=1171;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=100644];atime=1584869430,mtime=1584869430;]
.php-version [size=16;uid=0,gid=0;mode=[mask=100644];atime=1584869430,mtime=1584869430;]
.fusedav-memory-remount [size=0;uid=0,gid=0;mode=[mask=100644];atime=1588011784,mtime=1588011784;]
tmp [size=4096;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40770];atime=1584869281,mtime=1588045748;]
mime.types [size=6174;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=100644];atime=1585136954,mtime=1585136954;]
sites [size=4096;uid=11421,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40755];atime=1586872773,mtime=1586872773;]
nginx.conf [size=19417;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=100644];atime=1584869430,mtime=1584869430;]
files [size=4096;uid=11421,gid=1051;mode=[mask=40770];atime=1588071083,mtime=1588071083;]
.drush [size=4096;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40770];atime=1584869430,mtime=1584873578;]
logs [size=4096;uid=11421,gid=1051;mode=[mask=40750];atime=1584869281,mtime=1588022784;]
.env [size=1256;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=100644];atime=1587607700,mtime=1587607700;]
metadata.json [size=63259;uid=0,gid=0;mode=[mask=100600];atime=1588045748,mtime=1588045748;]
code [size=4096;uid=11421,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40755];atime=1584869349,mtime=1587557309;]
includes [size=4096;uid=0,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40750];atime=1584869282,mtime=1587607700;]
.bash_profile [size=193;uid=11421,gid=11421;mode=[mask=100644];atime=1584830076,mtime=1452510153;]
2020-04-28 05:51:35,644 [39109924] DEBUG - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - Called SshjRemoteFileObject@22a2698b(path /srv/bindings/f8ccda18c21d48e5bb6e57c079c04d44//php, owned by Channel@89646ba id 0, remote id 0 for SshjSshConnection(<crc32=1m9aysu>@<crc32=13i023u>)@643f03cc).sftp.canonicalize() in 23.80 ms (ok)
2020-04-28 05:51:35,644 [39109924] DEBUG - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - Canonical path of /srv/bindings/f8ccda18c21d48e5bb6e57c079c04d44//php is /opt/pantheon/php5.6
2020-04-28 05:51:35,665 [39109945] DEBUG - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - Called sftp.lstat(/opt/pantheon/php5.6) in 21.01 ms (ok)
2020-04-28 05:51:35,665 [39109945] DEBUG - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - Fetched and cached permissions of /opt/pantheon/php5.6: [size=4096;uid=0,gid=0;mode=[mask=40755];atime=1587075416,mtime=1569529709;]
2020-04-28 05:51:35,667 [39109947] DEBUG - t.connections.RemoteConnection - Added connection to pool ofs in @2e77929a; 1 connections exists
2020-04-28 05:51:35,699 [39109979] DEBUG - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - Called sftp.lstat(/srv/bindings/f8ccda18c21d48e5bb6e57c079c04d44/code/sites/all/modules/custom/basic_module/basic_module_grid/css) in 20.83 ms (ok)
2020-04-28 05:51:35,699 [39109979] DEBUG - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - Fetched and cached permissions of /srv/bindings/f8ccda18c21d48e5bb6e57c079c04d44/code/sites/all/modules/custom/basic_module/basic_module_grid/css: [size=4096;uid=11421,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40755];atime=1587659114,mtime=1587659114;]
2020-04-28 05:51:35,720 [39110000] DEBUG - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - Called sftp.lstat(/srv/bindings/f8ccda18c21d48e5bb6e57c079c04d44/code/sites/all/modules/custom/basic_module/basic_module_grid) in 20.18 ms (ok)
2020-04-28 05:51:35,720 [39110000] DEBUG - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - Fetched and cached permissions of /srv/bindings/f8ccda18c21d48e5bb6e57c079c04d44/code/sites/all/modules/custom/basic_module/basic_module_grid: [size=4096;uid=11421,gid=11421;mode=[mask=40755];atime=1587659114,mtime=1587659115;]
2020-04-28 05:51:35,807 [39110087] DEBUG - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - Called SshjRemoteFileObject@18be8663(path /srv/bindings/f8ccda18c21d48e5bb6e57c079c04d44/code/sites/all/modules/custom/basic_module/basic_module_grid/css, owned by Channel@89646ba id 0, remote id 0 for SshjSshConnection(<crc32=1m9aysu>@<crc32=13i023u>)@643f03cc) in 84.62 ms (ok)
2020-04-28 05:51:35,807 [39110087] DEBUG - om.intellij.ssh.impl.sshj.sshj - list() results:
basic_module_grid.css [size=31673;uid=11421,gid=11421;mode=[mask=100644];atime=1587678843,mtime=1588018127;]
2020-04-28 05:51:35,809 [39110089] DEBUG - t.connections.RemoteConnection - Releasing one of the connections to s in @2e77929a; connections left 0
2020-04-28 05:51:35,832 [39110112] WARN - ion.impl.NotificationCollector - Notification group 'Project generator' is already registered in whitelist
2020-04-28 05:51:35,832 [39110112] WARN - ion.impl.NotificationCollector - Notification group 'System Messages' is already registered in whitelist
2020-04-28 05:51:38,424 [39112704] INFO - rationStore.ComponentStoreImpl - Saving Project (name=BitBucket - All Remotes, containerState=ACTIVE, componentStore=C:\Users\Sergio\Projects SSD\BitBucket - All Remotes) RunManager took 31 ms
Sergio, most probably you are having a different issue related to some kind of misconfiguration, please submit your logs (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data) within a support ticket after you reproduce it again.
Hi Eugene Morozov, thanks for the reply! Please see my EDIT above. Thanks!
Any updates ... I confirm that in 2019.3.4 the bug is fixed, but in 2020.1.4 the bug occurs again
Ilianko, please submit a support ticket (Help | Contact Support) attaching the logs (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data), we are not aware of new occurrences of this bug.