Add a whitespace PsiElement after a bracket
I have a PHP array like this:
return [
'invokables' => [
The [] is a ArrayCreationExpression PSI.
I want to add a key inside and it's works
if (psiElement is ArrayCreationExpression) {
val arrayKey = psiElement.addAfter(PhpPsiElementFactory.createFromText(project,,"$namespace::class")!!, psiElement.firstChild)
if (!invokableFactory) {
arrayKey.add(PhpPsiElementFactory.createFromText(project,, "=>")!!)
arrayKey.add(PhpPsiElementFactory.createFromText(project,, namespace + "Factory::class")!!)
The output is:
return [
'invokables' => [Something\Here\And\Foo::class
I read we don't need to add whitespace because the API does that for us but it's not working and when I try to add a whitespace with the text "\n" it's not working either.
How to add a new line after the open bracket?
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If there is a corresponding setting in Code Style for PHP, it should work