Ever since last updates GoLand and Android Studio have been having extremely frustrating issues when used together.


    Usually I just use GoLand or Rider, etc by themselves but I have started using Flutter / Dart this last month. Since I could not seem to be able to use both Dart and Flutter within Goland properly I downloaded Android Studio and started to use that, which has been working great. But then I discovered that I can't use Go in Android Studio. My project uses go-flutter, so I am actively needing to work with both Go and Flutter/Dart at the same time. I was "making do" with using both at the same time at first, but then updates came along within the last week or so, now it is a nightmare. Both of them start acting up, such as the interface for both will stop responding properly when trying to go back and forth between them.

If I am in Goland and click on Android Studio, it will not respond, so I alt tab and it comes up, but then now the project view pane on the side is collapsed and I can't open it. Or, just a few minutes ago which is what prompted this message, I was trying to hit the file menu, but when it opened, the menu appeared with the bottom of the menu starting at my mouse cursor and going up off screen, so I could only see the bottom 2-3 menu items of the entire page of file menu items.

It seems to only take a few minutes of using both of them at the same time and things will stop working properly until I close them both and open one backup. This is extremely inconvenient on top of it already unfortunately being inconvenient that I can't add the appropriate plugins to either of them to be able to do what I need to do.

I just wanted to make sure that these issues were known. I tried to submit bug reports as they come up but the input box is set to inactive every time and Ican only just hit subit. 




Do I understand it right that you have the same project open in both GoLand and Android Studio?


Sometimes it is the main project folder, but often times the primary project folder is opened in Android Studio, but the Go files all in a subfolder plugin and that is what is opened in Goland.


Then it sounds really weird. Can I ask you to record a screencast so I can see how it looks like? It's still unclear to me whether it's a performance or UI problem.


I can certainly try. Though, it certainly doesn't feel like a performance issue in the traditional sense. I have a watercooled Ryzen 5 2600, 32gb ram, nvme ssd, and an RTX. The applications are "responsive", they just.... respond incorrectly? I know this doesn't make actual sense, but It sometimes feels almost like input functionality bit shifted and all of a sudden things get wacky and aren't doing what and where they are supposed to anymore.

I have a bunch of things I need to get done currently so it is not the ideal time to force things to break, but once I am finished I will try and get a demo of what is going on.


Here was one I recorded the other day. Unfortunately I was using Peek Screen Recorder and it has a top title bar, so it was not able to record what was happening properly so I will try to explain.

I have 3 monitors, I was using Goland in the middle monitor. If I grabbed the title bar of Goland and made it so the height of it was flush against the top bar of my OS and then tried to open the file menu, the menu would open, but the submenus would open on my right side monitor. So in the pic below I was going to the file menu and then New, and you can see New was opening on the right monitor.





I see. What version do you use? Can I ask you to try the latest 2019.2 from here and then if the problem persists from here (one with JBR 8)? Another solution is to use IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate which supports both Android and Go thus you won't need to have two IDEs open.


I use JB Toolbox and I update it whenever I see there is a new one. The update last week or so is what started the issues, which was this version below that I am using now.

GoLand 2019.2
Build #GO-192.5728.103, built on July 23, 2019
Runtime version: 11.0.3+12-b304.10 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Linux 5.0.0-21-generic
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 3916M
Cores: 12

I tried using IntelliJ Ultimate for an hour or two earlier in the week, but I believe that when I had Go enabled it would not allow Flutter to be enabled at the same time if I recall correctly, I will have to try again and see what the issue was with that.

I can download the JRE8 version you linked and give that a try.


-- Edit --

I have not had a chance to install the ones you were mentioning, but I had Android Studio opened already, then I opened GoLand to get the info that I pasted above. All I did was open it while having Android Studio already opened and then I closed it and went back to Android Studio and then this happened.

Peek doesn't show the mouse cursor, but I was hovering over that area where you see the underlined squiggle trying to get the popup to show of what the error/warning message was, and you can see how the application was reacting.


Then I closed it and reopened (and found a way to show my mouse). This was then how it acted once I closed it and reopened it, which is normal.



I tried using IntelliJ again, but no matter what I try it keeps telling me Flutter is not installed, but I have everything setup that I can think of / find. It works find in Android Studio, but not IntelliJ

Here is the plugin all setup.


Then here are the environment variables.


> Peek doesn't show the mouse cursor, but I was hovering over that area where you see the underlined squiggle trying to get the popup to show of what the error/warning message was, and you can see how the application was reacting.


> Then I closed it and reopened (and found a way to show my mouse). This was then how it acted once I closed it and reopened it, which is normal.


Does the same happen if you switch back to the default theme (Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | Appearance)?


As to Flutter, unfortunately, I can't help here as it's a third-party plugin. I'd recommend you to contact them directly. You can find contact details at the bottom of this page. The page claims that it's compatible with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate so I'd expect it to work there.


The issue seems to be less with Flutter not working and more that IntelliJ is not picking up my terminal $PATH properly. I have everything setup the same between IntelliJ, GoLand and Android Studio, yet in IntelliJ I have to manually enter this into the terminal each time I open it for it to work.


export PATH="$PATH:/home/mosthated/_dev/sdk/flutter/bin" && export PATH="$PATH:/usr/lib/dart/bin" && export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/_dev/sdk/flutter/.pub-cache/bin" && export ENABLE_FLUTTER_DESKTOP=true


For intelliJ, it looks like the main problem is it is not properly picking up my $PATH for ZSH. GoLand, Android Studio, and Rider all do, but IntelliJ does not.

It seems that I could do away with needing to use GoLand and Android Studio at the same time if I could simply get IntelliJ to pick up my $PATH and env variables as a large portion of what I need to do for running the application and debugging needs to be done through the terminal since I am using go-flutter, the debugger doesn't want to let me input the observatory url to connect it as it can't see it as a running device. 

What is strange is, when I open the terminal, ZSH is running, my settings for my cursor, color scheme, and all my completions work, but $PATH and env vars are just not there if I try and echo $PATH.

The left is the IntelliJ terminal, right is my normal terminal (Extraterm). I don't know where it's getting those, but even if I go to Settings -> Terminal, then change the $PATH there to what it should be, it doesn't keep upon restart.



Nevermind, I seem to have found a fix.

I edited .local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/IDEA-U/ch-0/192.5728.98/plugins/terminal/.zshrc

Changing the override_jb_variables method to the following.


function override_jb_variables {
for VARIABLE in $(env)
if [[ $NAME = '_INTELLIJ_FORCE_SET_'* ]]
if [ -n "$NEW_NAME" ] && [ "$NEW_NAME" != "PATH" ]
export "$NEW_NAME"="$VALUE"



How do you start IDEA? Do you do it from terminal?


Occasionally, I do. I created a tool in Go which will automatically clone a git repo then open the specifid application to that folder (ex. > goclone --open idea --url https://github.com/name/reponame.git  or > goclone --open goland --url https://github.com/name/reponame.git) as when I am researching / learning new techniques for different languages I often end up looking at dozens of repos. When I do it that way I usually have it open it, I look at whatever it was I was wanting to look at and then close it.

Usually though, whatever project I am actually and actively working on I will have opened by going to the Toolbox application and opening the application from there.

Now that I changed that script I listed above, everything seems to be working just fine in IDEA. So I think I am good to just use that in place of GoLand and Android Studio for now.


I see. The idea is that if you run an IDE from a terminal it'll pick up its environment variables and it normally works as expected. However, if you launch an IDE using a desktop manager it's not always clear which env variables are used and depends on many factors. That could be the case for you. 


It's just strange GoLand, Android Studio, and Rider all worked fine opening from toolbox, but IDEA didn't. I guess they just do things differently?


It shouldn't be the case. Are they all of the same version?


Well, they are all whatever the most current version is that is available via the toolbox. All of which are 2019.2 minus Rider, which is showing 2019.1.3 currently.


I would suggest proceeding in our issue tracker. Could you please file a new report with log files attached? You can collect them via Help | Collect Logs and Show In ... On the tracker, you can reduce the visibility of the attachment to the JetBrains team only to don't expose potentially sensitive information.


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