how to disable changelists?
is there a way how to disable changelists?
Motivation: I'm not working on 20 things at once and commits should be small and focused anyways. Thus for me this feature does not have any sense. If I want to store unfinished work, I just commit it. Thus no benefit from this feature. But changelists are actually interferring with my work: I'm testing app behavior and I need to switch to say older version to verify behavior on different branch and boom, all my currently opened files are gone, just because I did checkout. So this feature is actually making situation worse for me.
what can be done?
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> Thus for me this feature does not have any sense.
Then you just do all changes in the Default changelist, without moving them to a different changelist. Changelist should not get in the way.
> all my currently opened files are gone, just because I did checkout.
Why do you think it is related to changelists?
IDE associates context to a branch and restore it on checkout per, changelists do not interfere here.
To disable the behavior, disable the Restore worksapce on branch switch option in Preferences | Version Control | Confirmation
I beg your pardon, I'm not that familiar with IntelliJ settings; I just thought, that it's linked. Thaks for your help, this should be sufficient.
To stick with the original question for a while (and for potential future readers): There isn't easy to do way, how to disable the changelists, right? I got it I don't have to use them, which is my default now, but not even be able to use them would be even better. So if there would be say plugin to disable, that what I'd definitely do. But this option isn't there, right?
> There isn't easy to do way, how to disable the changelists, right?
It is not possible to completely disable them. There is a request though -
> Then you just do all changes in the default change list
I try to. But IDEA automatically moves all my changes into into a five year old change list. Which I have deleted a dozen times but IDEA also automatically recreates the change list. This is very annoying.
Stop doing so much automatically without an easy way top deactivate.
There is a way u can disable the change list.