Pycharm cannot get permission to control Excel(Mac)
Dear all
I want to use "xlwings" to control Excel, but I got error because I didn't get permission. However, pycharm didn't ask me the permission like other IDE used to.
For example, when I run the sample code below, MacOX will ask me "spyder want to contol..." I tried this in terminal as well, MacOX aksed me same thing. But pycharm didn't, just show error like below.
anyone has same problem?
(I have tried same things in Windows version pycharm , if successful)
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I've seen both PyCharm and VS Code fix this and break this again depending on the release. A workaround is always to start PyCharm from the Terminal. It's easiest to set an alias like this in your ~/.zshrc (or ~/.bash_profile on older macOS):
alias pycharm=/Applications/
This allows you to start PyCharm from the Terminal by typing:
I believe this is the same issue: Unfortunately, there's no workaround an the moment. is the same issue...
I thought it was a new bug. it surprise me the bug still not fixed...2 months..
2020.1 seems to have fixed this
Dear All,
I have just tried to use the same "xlwings" python lib, but still doesn't work. I was googling a debugging for a day (looked for Issue 1146, Issue 1262, Issue 1266) it works (and asks for the correct permission) in iTerm2, Terminal, but does not work from PyCharm Console. I tried also the following command in Terminal:
as well as I reinstalled PyCharm but nothing has changed.
Basic run code:
The error message is the following:
I'm using the following configuration:
Thank you Felix, it works in this way.
Yes, it works. Thanks!!
I'm having a permission issue with the workaround. Any suggestions?
zsh: permission denied: /Users/cotani/Applications/JetBrains Toolbox/PyCharm Professional Edition for Apple
Hello @C Otani,
Could you please submit an issue on with attached:
1. code example
2. steps to reproduce
3. logs folder zipped from ***Help | Collect logs and Diagnostic Data***