Lombok doesn't let project build


I have both IntelliJ (2019.2.3) and Lombok plugin (2019.2) updated. Annotation processing is enabled, dependency is in the right place.

Lombok seems to be working.. as at a compile-time (in IntelliJ editor) @AllArgsConstructor is resolved, and I can instantiate a new instance with all arguments.. also @Slf4j works fine..


When I click run, (or try to rebuild project) it fails and complains, that No arguments constructor was expected but provided one has parameters.. (note, that I have both @NoArgsConstructor and @AllArgsConstructor)..

Even if I manually provide those constructors and delete Lombok annotations, then @Data isn't working, as setters aren't generated..

Any help?


Please follow https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-224158 for updates.

Not sure if it's IntelliJ IDEA or Lombok plug-in issue.


Please share a sample project to reproduce the issue (GitHub link).


Try changing project/module JDK to 1.8.


mvn package -> java -jar target\jarfile works fine with this jdk. I don't have jdk8 on this machine.. but if running jdk through maven's build works fine and IntelliJ's run button doesn't - will changing jdk still be reasonable? it's a bit strange and odd.


Thank you, Serge. I wanted to submit this via my name, but I seem to be unable to register.. do I need some special invitation for that? thinking, that I might be a reporter/contributor to IntelliJ in the future.


Anyone can register and submit issues at https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/IDEA. No invitation is needed.


Thank you, Serge. I have created my own ticket now, I think you can close this. Thanks for helping.


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