The Typo inspection defined 'txtfile' as not included in any dictionary. You can add this word to a dictionary and it will be skipped by the spellchecker in the future. Please see
It is absolutely NOT true that all source code should be checked.
Fortunately, you can configure this in the IDE in Settings -> Editor -> Inspections -> Proofreading -> Typo. (Or search "Proofreading" after opening settings).
I find a good compromise is to only check comments. This still flags, for example, closing comments on header guards, which is problematic, but it reduces the list a lot.
The Typo inspection defined 'txtfile' as not included in any dictionary. You can add this word to a dictionary and it will be skipped by the spellchecker in the future. Please see
Does variable names of the type file have to conform to a dictionary?
Yes, if you would like it not to be marked as "typo" .
Why do variables of the type 'file' have to conform to a dictionary, when all the other variable types can have whatever name you wish?
Hello Hendrik,
`txtfile` is not a commonly known word that could exist in a dictionary. There are 2 dictionaries used for spellchecking: general( and for Python(
If a word is split, for example, by '_' sign, there is an additional logic that skips such cases from checking.
But why do variable names of certain variable types have to conform to a dictionary?
The spellcheking does not rely on variable type, it should be performed for the whole code.
So you mean that if "txtfile" variable has a different type then it will not be marked as "typo"? Please provide me with a real example.
I am sorry, I haven't checked this before! 'txtfile' is still marked as a typo in this statement:
But 'txt_file' is accepted. I am just not used to IDEs that check the spelling of variable names! :-)
It is absolutely NOT true that all source code should be checked.
Fortunately, you can configure this in the IDE in Settings -> Editor -> Inspections -> Proofreading -> Typo.
(Or search "Proofreading" after opening settings).
I find a good compromise is to only check comments. This still flags, for example, closing comments on header guards, which is problematic, but it reduces the list a lot.

Thanks for your excellent feedback Stephen Schilz!!